Author Archiv: J. Gouvernante

Amazing Must See Technology 7D hologram Shown in Dubai, Poland and Japan

Tech World7980 Abonnenten Clip1.498.159 Aufrufe 20.05.2020A 7D hologram is a method for capturing a high-quality hologram using 7 parameters. 7 Dimensions The universe exists in 3D space with times often considered a fourth dimension. The reason that a 7D hologram has so many dimensions is that the hologram is captured from a large number of […]

Beijing New Year 2022 | Beijing Olympic Holographic Light Show. (#fakealieninvasion)

Best Restaurant To Eat1230 Abonnenten Thanks18.913 Aufrufe 05.01.2022 #malaysia#kualalumpur#food Beijing New Year 2022 | Beijing Olympic 3D Holographic Light Show. An amazing and stunning display of China holographic technology. It is like watching it real life. Wish I was there to witness it. I am looking forward to see the display that will be presented […]

20:44 vo#34 South Korea’s missile test causes UFO scare | | Latest English News | #remember putinsufo

WION7,19 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern5.281 Aufrufe 30.12.2022 #SouthKorea South Korea’s military confirmed it test-fired a solid-fuelled rocket on Friday after its unannounced launch triggered brief public scare of a suspected UFO appearance. #SouthKorea#UFO

Russian Historian Makes Big Claims About S-70 ‘Hunter’, Says Stealth Drone Can Reach Outer Space

CRUX1,65 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks65.002 Aufrufe 29.12.2022 #russiaukrainewar#GetCloserToTheNews#worldnewsRussia is reportedly developing the next-generation drone that could reportedly go into space. The drone which is set get unveiled in 2024 will also fly along with Su-57 jets as a wingman, However, sceptics in the US claim the drone will be just used the air defence purposes. Watch the […]


Alaska Prepper196.000 Abonnenten Mitglied werden Thanks15.890 Aufrufe 30.12.2022 ALASKATIME’S RUNNING OUT FOR THE WEST – IT WILL BE KEPT FROM YOU UNTIL IT’S TOO LATE TO PREPARE! CONTINGENCY MEDICAL – Emergency Medicines: Use Code: AKPREP10 FOR $10 OFF YOUR ORDER

Gravitas LIVE | China caught sending Covid-infected flights to Milan | Latest English News | WION (?)

WION7,19 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern129.934 Aufrufe Vor 16 Stunden live gestreamt #GravitasLive#ChinaCovid#ChinaCovid19

China, U.S. military jets in close encounter over the disputed South China sea I English News I WION

WION7,19 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern9.676 Aufrufe 30.12.2022 #usvschina#southchinasea#wionChinese fighter jet came dangerously to U.S. Airforce plane over the disputed South China Sea. This close encounter happened last week, according to the U.S. military. Watch to know more.

Gravitas: Jordan’s King Abdullah II warns Israel

WION7,19 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern97.236 Aufrufe 29.12.2022 #kingabdullah#netanyahu#wionThe King of Jordan has warned Israel against changing the status quo of holy sites in Jerusalem. This comes after Netanyahu laid out a plan promising expansion of West Bank settlements. Molly Gambhir tells you more. #kingabdullah#netanyahu

Elon Musk Makes Sensational Claim: USA Policing the World Through Twitter, Facebook?

Firstpost180.000 Abonnenten Thanks23.599 Aufrufe 29.12.2022 #twitter#elonmusk#joebidenElon Musk Makes Sensational Claim: USA Policing the World Through Twitter, Facebook? Is the USA Playing Global Cop Online? Is Big Tech on the US government’s payroll? And how deep does USA’s interference in Big Tech go? The collusion between Big Tech and the US government has been unmasked rather […]

Buffalo, NY: Troops Deployed | Curfew Instituted

Poplar Preparedness76.100 Abonnenten Thanks75.993 Aufrufe 28.12.2022 #Foodshortages#emptyshelves#InflationNational Guard deployed to close roads and enforce a driving ban across the Buffalo, NY region. US Citizens denied permission to leave their homes and get necessities while looters allowed to roam free. Genesis Gold Group | Jonathan – 1-800-200-4653

Du darfst dich nur noch 15 min frei bewegen pro Tag!

Vermietertagebuch – Alexander Raue119.000 Abonnenten Mitglied werden Thanks344.147 Aufrufe 12.12.2022 Die erste Stadt in Europa will die Bewegungsfreiheit der Menschen massiv einschränken. Du darfst dich nur noch dort bewegen, was du innerhalb von 15 Min spazieren erreichen kannst. Für alles andere brauchst du eine Genehmigung von der Stadtverwaltung. Überwacht wird das ganze mit Straßensperren und […]

Putin stoppt alle ÖL Lieferungen nach Europa! Unsere Kursprognose 2023

HKCM146.000 Abonnenten Clip51.586 Aufrufe 28.12.2022 STUTTGARTIn diesem Video spricht Philip Hopf über Öl. Putin stoppt alle Öl Lieferungen nach Europa! Unsere Kursprognose 2023. Unsere HKCM Analyse


MediaManiac9790 Abonnenten Speichern16.481 Aufrufe 26.12.2022 Tweede Kamer debat – Thierry Baudet – Forum voor Democratie. Thierry Baudet van FVD spreekt over hoe de acties van Kabinet Rutte alleen maar met meer regels en minder vrijheid komen. Door dat er nu zelfs meer camera’s overal worden opgehangen onze privacy in het geding komt en door overal […]

Sophie Hermans (VVD) AANGEPAKT door Marijnissen! ‘Er wordt GELOGEN onder ede, dat is strafbaar!’

KafkaNL48.600 Abonnenten Clip10.188 Aufrufe 29.12.2022 Sophie Hermans (VVD) AANGEPAKT door Marijnissen! ‘Er wordt GELOG€N onder ede, dat is str@fbaar!’

Caroline van der Plas CONFRONTEERT Ernst Kuipers! ‘Was het coronabeleid wel legaal?’

KafkaNL48.600 Abonnenten Speichern4.913 Aufrufe 28.12.2022 Caroline van der Plas CONFRONTEERT Ernst Kuipers! ‘Was het c0ronabeleid wel legaal?’

Dit is hoe FVD 100.000 LEDEN kan krijgen in een paar dagen!

Forum voor Democratie158.000 Abonnenten Speichern10.917 Aufrufe 28.12.2022 De peildatum nadert. Dit is hét moment om uw naasten lid te maken van onze partij. FVD is daarom een actie gestart. Als u als lid van FVD een nieuw lid aandraagt, krijgt u beide 50% korting op uw lidmaatschap. Laten we 2023 nóg groter ingaan! 👉🏼 […]

The De-Population Bomb

Hoover Institution756.000 Abonnenten Speichern3.188.524 Aufrufe 14.09.2022 Uncommon Knowledge 2022Recorded on June 14 at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC. In 1970, Stanford professor Paul Ehrlich published a famous book, The Population Bomb, in which he described a disasterous future for humanity: “The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s and […]

(bs pandemic 2?) Countries Impose Restrictions on China Travelers; China Calls for Scientific Basis to Entry Rules

China in Focus – NTD708.000 Abonnenten Speichern61.234 Aufrufe Premiere vor 5 Stunden. #Restrictions#ChineseTourists#Beijing⭕ Watch the full episode on EpochTV 👉

SCIENTISTS: “Doomsday Clock is Almost at Midnight”

Canadian Prepper900.000 Abonnenten Thanks81.749 Aufrufe 29.12.2022 ACHTUNG: DIE DOOMSDAY-UHR STEHT AUF 2 MINUTEN VOR MITTERNACHT !! (25.01.2018) (Diese website ist noch pre-covid, aktuell am 16.12.2022 ist es defcon 3 ….10 Secunden vor Mitternacht) Es ist zwei Minuten vor 12! Auf der Weltuntergangsuhr (auch: “Atomkriegsuhr“, “Doomsday Clock” oder “Uhr des Jüngsten Gerichts“) stehen die Zeiger seit dem 25. Januar 2018 […]

Stay in the know on the topics that inform the Doomsday Clock.

 Sign up At doom’s doorstep: It is 100 seconds to midnight 2022 Doomsday Clock AnnouncementJanuary 20, 2022 Leaders around the world must immediately commit themselves to renewed cooperation in the many ways and venues available for reducing existential risk. Citizens of the world can and should organize to demand that their leaders do so—and quickly. […]


Full Spectrum Survival343.000 Abonnenten Thanks75.373 Aufrufe 28.12.2022 #BREAKING#ECONOMY#NEWS#BREAKING#ECONOMY#NEWS The news is here because of members like you! 🛑 PLEASE HELP TO SUPPORT WHAT WE DO 🛑… — Join us on there! You Will Get : * Waterproof Physical Survival Cards sent to you in the mail every single month! *At the $10 level * […]

Piers Morgan Takes On Andrew Tate AGAIN! | The Full Interview #2

Piers Morgan Uncensored700.000 Abonnenten Clip4.472.132 Aufrufe 20.12.2022 #andrewtate#tate#piersmorganPiers Morgan Uncensored is joined by controversial online influencer Andrew Tate to talk about his conversion to Islam, Meghan Markle’s claims of racism against the UK, why masculinity is more important than ever and to debate some of his past comments on women. And what does he think […]

Madlener (PVV) haalt uit naar CDA’er! ‘Mensen hebben gezondheidsschade door jullie klimaatdoelen!’

KafkaNL48.400 Abonnenten Clip6.617 Aufrufe 13.12.2022 Madlener (PVV) haalt uit naar CDA’er! ‘Mensen hebben gezondheidsschde door jullie klimaatdoelen!’

Wilders pakt CDA-minister aan! ‘Als je mensen niet helpt, gaan er DODEN vallen, schaam je!’

KafkaNL48.400 Abonnenten Clip4.159 Aufrufe 27.12.2022 Wilders pakt CDA-minister aan! ‘Als je mensen niet helpt, gaan er D*DEN vallen, sch@am je!’

(keep calm) Bill Gates verkündet die nächste Pandemie

Vermietertagebuch – Alexander Raue118.000 Abonnenten Thanks136.960 Aufrufe 27.12.2022 Bill Gates hat die nächste Pandemie verkündet. Er sagt uns den Namen der neuen Pandemie, das Datum des Ausbruchs und wo die Pandemie ausbrechen wird! Die Details gibt’s in diesem Video. Originalvideo: 📸 Folge mir auf Instagram: 📢 Folge mir auf Twitter:

(keep calm) Gravitas: South Korea reports first ‘brain-eating amoeba’ death

WION7,18 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern52.521 Aufrufe 27.12.2022 #SouthKorea#amoeba#WIONSouth Korea has reported its first death due to Naegleria fowleri or ‘Brain-eating amoeba.’ The amoeba enters through the nose and attacks the brain, causing meningitis. Should you be scared? #SouthKorea#amoeba