joel10000a122.000 Abonnenten Speichern36.390 Aufrufe 10.01.2012Sunday’s Pro Football Game between the Denver Broncos and the Pittsburgh Steelers, produced some startling statistics with reference to Tim Tebow’s “John 3:16” slogan that he has had imprinted beneath his eyes in eye black for years!! Watch and see!!! 800-759-00700 – Toll Free Prayer Line
Monatlicher Archiv: September 2023
ABOVE INSPIRATION2,63 Mio. Abonnenten Herunterladen471.607 Aufrufe 10.01.2019Johannes 3:16 ist vielleicht der bekannteste Vers in der Bibel, aber es ist auch das Thema einer erstaunlichen Geschichte, die der Heisman Trophy-Gewinner und Profisportler Tim Tebow erzählt.
Biltmore Church5970 Abonnenten Clip17.620 Aufrufe Live übertragen am 03.07.2022 #TheGospelOfJohnGood Morning! We are excited to have Tim Tebow with as we continue in our series #TheGospelOfJohn.
Canadian Prepper1,17 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks177.451 Aufrufe 28.09.2023CANADIAN PREPPERS SURVIVAL SUPERSTORE! Use discount code SURVIVALPREPPER for 10% off / Premium Survival/ Emergency Equipment
Full Spectrum Survival369.000 Abonnenten Thanks70.997 Aufrufe 27.09.2023 The news is here because of members like you! 🛑 PLEASE HELP TO SUPPORT WHAT WE DO 🛑… — Join us on there! You Will Get : * Waterproof Physical Survival Cards sent to you in the mail every single month! *At the $10 level * Exclusive […]
Valuetainment4,84 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks242.760 Aufrufe 27.09.2023 #digitalid#cbdc#g20 Patrick Bet-David exposes the G20’s hidden agenda by diving into what the G20 summit is, the nations involved, and what the forum plans to do in the very near future. PBD also covers the policy changes proposed during the 2023 summit, which included digitalization, CBDC initiatives, and the implementation […]
Vermietertagebuch – Alexander Raue226.000 Abonnenten Thanks87.562 Aufrufe 27.09.2023 Auf dem Schulhof der Grundschule in Monheim sollen 80 Migranten untergebracht werden, obwohl dort 600 Schüle zur Schule gehen! Die Eltern laufen dagegen Sturm, aber der Bürgermeister sieht darin kein Problem. Das ist der absolute Wahnsinn und macht mich fassungslos!
Erfolgskanal – Community für Finanzen & Wirtschaft128.000 Abonnenten Thanks571.882 Aufrufe 19.09.2023 #markuskrall#krise#aktienAlice Weidel zerlegt Lauterbach, Bärbock. Scholz, Habeck & Lauterbach in unter 9 Minuten! AFD auf Rekord! Alice Weidel vs Karl Lauterbach! Wahlhammer & Aktuellste Nachrichten über AFD Umfragen auf dem Erfolgskanal! UNFASSBAR!zusammengefasst! Wie soll ich jetzt investieren? Wie funktioniert die Wirtschaft? Kommt die Bankenkrise? […]
Hodge Twins2,76 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks195.357 Aufrufe 27.09.2023test
Vermietertagebuch – Alexander Raue225.000 Abonnenten Thanks12.599 Aufrufe 25.09.2023 Die indische Zeitung Hindustan Times berichtet, dass Russland einen Leopard Panzer in der Ukraine abgeschossen hat, welche von Soldaten der deutschen Bundeswehr gesteuert wurde! Wenn das wahr ist, dann wäre das der Beginn des 3. Weltkrieges!
Canadian Prepper1,16 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks91.485 Aufrufe 25.09.2023Massive blackout in Russia precede by “flashes in sky”, an unusual close encounter of a Russian doomsday plane and an American recon jet in the black sea, Canada appears to now be on a warpath
Full Spectrum Survival369.000 Abonnenten Thanks76.340 Aufrufe vor 20 Stunden The news is here because of members like you! 🛑 PLEASE HELP TO SUPPORT WHAT WE DO 🛑…
The Poplar Report115.000 Abonnenten Thanks37.086 Aufrufe 24.09.2023 This Week On The Poplar ReportAs we go into the fall shortage season we’re seeing major issues in dairy, pasta, and in potatoes. Whether you are a Prepper, a homesteader, or a concerned homemaker there are serious issues happening right now.
Alaska Prepper212.000 Abonnenten Thanks32.372 Aufrufe 24.09.2023 ALASKA This Is A Must Watch: I Hope You’re Ready! – It Starts Today! – Click Bait! – Rant! Thank you for joining me today, Many Blessings to all of you and your Families.
Valuetainment Short Clips550.000 Abonnenten Thanks914.525 Aufrufe 17.09.2022 #pbdpodcast#valuetainmentshortclips FaceTime or Ask Patrick any questions on Want to get clear on your next 5 business moves?
mistersunshinebaby316.000 Abonnenten Thanks153.995 Aufrufe 23.09.2023 #mistersunshinebaby#justintrudeau#canadaFREEDOM MERCH: https://mistersunshinebaby-5569.mysho…
Vermietertagebuch – Alexander Raue225.000 Abonnenten Thanks104.908 Aufrufe 24.09.2023 Der Europäische Gerichtshof hat entschieden, dass Deutschland keine Migranten mehr zurückweisen darf. Das ist ein echt krasses Gerichtsurteil und damit können wir unsere Grenzen nicht mehr schützen! 🎥 Meine neue YouTube Akademie:…
The Wave 8043580 Abonnenten Thanks203.393 Aufrufe 30.08.2023Did he drop the biggest song of 2023??
ByFrontier India News Network – September 23, 2023 FacebookTwitterLinkedinWhatsAppTelegramCopy URLReddItEmailPrintPinterestFlip The Russian Army destroyed a Leopard tank with German service members aboard and was en route to Ukraine. This crew consisted of people who served in the Bundeswehr, the German armed forces. On September 23, the commander of a Russian Armed Forces reconnaissance unit in […]
Canadian Prepper1,16 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks206.840 Aufrufe 23.09.2023 Lavrov has just told NATO to prepare for war, this may be it folks. CANADIAN PREPPERS SURVIVAL SUPERSTORE! Use discount code SURVIVALPREPPER for 10% off / Premium Survival/ Emergency Equipment
Canadian Prepper1,15 Mio. Abonnenten Clip197.107 Aufrufe 21.09.2023 The Military, High profile figures and Embassies are stocking up for a grid down event FOOD PRICE INCREASES ARE COMING 10-15% by Sept 23rd! USE DISCOUNT CODE ‘CanadianPrepper’ for 15% off Freezedry Wholesale before this goes into effect.
Inter Vlog92.500 Abonnenten Clip368.339 Aufrufe 07.09.2023 China delivered Norinco’s WZ-551 IFVs and VP11 MRAPs to Mali. With a rumble and a roar, the Malian army welcomed a new fleet of military vehicles into their fold. This second batch, a generous offering from China’s Norinco Group, includes the dynamic WZ-551 wheeled infantry fighting vehicles and the […]
Breaking News, CBDC OWC, Fighting the NWO, Great Awakening, Patriotism, Volksunterdrückung # 24 : Organisiertes Unmoral / Politische Lüge, Volksunterdrückung # 25 : Gekaufte oder Erpresste Politiker, Volksunterdrückung # 28 : Agenda 2030 (NWO), Volksunterdrückung # 29 : Bargeld verbot
Central Bank Digital Currency Gets BANNED by House GOP!!!
Dr. Steve Turley1,14 Mio. Abonnenten Herunterladen84.115 Aufrufe 21.09.2023 #ad#sponsor Learn how to protect your life savings from inflation and an irresponsible government, with Gold and Silver. Go to
Binge Central73.300 Abonnenten Clip605.359 Aufrufe 20.09.2023 #joerogan#mauifires Joe Rogan, the well-known voice of reason and curiosity, has recently unleashed a powerful call to action in defense of Maui residents. He’s taken a stand against elites who are greedily eyeing the land of these islanders, questioning the audacity of anyone trying to snatch away their homes, […]
The Jimmy Dore Show1,24 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks390.508 Aufrufe 23.08.2023 #TheJimmyDoreShow This past Saturday, the Stop Oxford: No 15 Minute Cities community day of action was held in Oxford in the UK, attracting thousands of protesters. Among the speakers was a 12-year-old girl named “Jasmin” who quickly went viral for claiming the 15-minute neighbourhoods were “soon to […]
Canadian Prepper1,15 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks56.064 Aufrufe 22.09.2023CANADIAN PREPPERS SURVIVAL SUPERSTORE! Use discount code SURVIVALPREPPER for 10% off / Premium Survival/ Emergency Equipment
Alaska Prepper212.000 Abonnenten Thanks27.206 Aufrufe 20.09.2023 ALASKACan’t Hide It Anymore! – Leaked Pfizer Data & Deagel’s Depopulation Prediction Thank you for joining me today, Many Blessings to all of you and your Families.