wetternet227.000 Abonnenten Thanks34.834 Aufrufe 08.08.2022 #dominikjung Das aktuelle Wetter für Deutschland vom 8. August 2022. Was für ein Wetterchen. Schon am Wochenende gab es fast überall einen wolkenlosen Himmel und viel Sonnenschein. Das wird die Woche der Verschwörungstheoretiker in Sachen Chemtrails und Co. “Sie sprühen wieder” diesen Satz liest man immer wieder mal bei uns […]
Täglicher Archiv: h.a.a.r.p.
WRITTEN BY LLB POLITICAL REPORTER 5TH AUG 22 11:42 AM North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un has offered Vladimir Putin “100,000 soldiers” with “tactical units” to fight in the Donbas. Putin is seriously considering the North Korea’s offer in exchange for grain and energy which will help Jong-un’s country to alleviate their struggles. Putin has lost tens of thousands […]
By Iliya Kusa on June 21, 2022 KENNAN INSTITUTE GLOBAL ALLIANCES & PARTNERSHIPSCONFLICT RESOLUTION AND PEACEBUILDINGCHINA MAINLANDRUSSIAUKRAINE BY ILIYA KUSA Like many non-Western countries, China has formulated its stance on the Russia-Ukraine war in keeping with its general foreign policy approach and its perception of the value and purpose of international alliances. In general, China’s public pronouncements on […]
US officials say White House fears move is sign of ever closer ties between Beijing and Moscow A Ukrainian soldier and a firefighter outside a building destroyed in a bombing attack in Kyiv on Monday © Vadim Ghirda/AP Share on twitter (opens new window) Share on facebook (opens new window) Share on linkedin (opens new […]
Photo circulating on Twitter is a cropped version of a picture first published in 2021, China’s internet watchdog saysThere had been reports in the US that Russia had asked China for military support. The photo of the Chinese army, claimed to be near the Russian border, was posted on Twitter. Photo: Weibo China has denied […]
The 1990s ushered in a revolution in military affairs in China. Planners for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) started to talk about integrating digital technologies and to debate strategy, tactics, and operations in ways that drew on lessons from the Gulf War. PLA learning, debate, assimilation, and adaptation has continued over these subsequent decades—up to […]
Die Reise im Oktober soll auch nach Japan und Hongkong gehen. Militärmanöver um Taiwan: laut Kreml „Chinas souveränes Recht“ Konflikt zwischen China und Taiwan: China setzt Militärübungen vor Taiwans Küste fort Dieser News-Ticker zum Taiwan-Besuch von Nancy Pelosi wird fortlaufend aktualisiert. Update vom 5. August, 7 Uhr: Nach Angaben aus Taipeh haben chinesische Flugzeuge und Schiffe im Rahmen von Militärmanövern erneut die sogenannte Medianlinie in der Mitte […]
Taiwans Präsidentin nennt Chinas Manöver «unverantwortlich» +++ Russland hält zu China 05.08.2022, 06:41 Von Donnerstag bis Samstag finden rund um die Insel Taiwan ein chinesisches Militärmanöver statt. Das Militärmanöver wird von China als Reaktion auf den Besuch von Nancy Pelosi, der Vorsitzenden des US-Repräsentantenhauses, dargestellt. Sie hat Taiwan am Dienstag und Mittwoch (Ortszeit) im Rahmen ihrer Asien-Reise besucht. […]
Head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization Mohammad Eslami looks on during a news conference with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi as they meet in Tehran, Iran, March 5, 2022. WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS Register now for FREE unlimited access to Reuters.com Register DUBAI, Aug 1 (Reuters) – […]
By Reuters Staff Paris/Frankfurt (Reuters) – Die Hitzewelle in Mitteleuropa schränkt auch die Stromversorgung in Deutschland und Frankreich ein. Das niedersächsische Atomkraftwerk Grohnde an der Weser werde am Freitag wegen der hohen Wassertemperatur vom Netz genommen, teilte die E.ON-Tochter PreussenElektra am Donnerstag mit. Daten des französischen Netzbetreibers RTE zeigten, dass die Lieferungen aus französischen Reaktoren bereits […]
Im Rhein sind die Wasserstände ungewöhnlich früh so gefallen, dass die Schifffahrt eingeschränkt werden muss. Kraftwerk-Betreiber Uniper kündigte bereits an, die Stromproduktion in einem Kohlekraftwerk zu drosseln. Die Trockenheit wird damit zu einem zusätzlichen Risiko für die ohnehin belastete deutsche Wirtschaft. Ökonomen der Deutschen Bank erinnern an 2018, als niedrige Wasserstände im Rhein das Bruttoinlandsprodukt […]
Stand: 03.08.2022 17:39 Uhr In den Niederlanden wächst die Sorge, dass angesichts der anhaltenden Trockenheit das Wasser immer knapper wird. Schon jetzt muss vor allem die Landwirtschaft sparen. Die Regierung setzte darum nun einen Notfallplan in Kraft. Aufgrund der anhaltenden Trockenheit und ihrer Auswirkungen greift die niederländische Regierung zu Vorsichtsmaßnahmen. Sie setzte einen Notfallplan in […]
Aktualisiert am 27.07.2022, 11:05 Uhr Am US-amerikanischen Stausee Lake Mead nahe Las Vegas sind innerhalb von drei Monaten mehrere Leichen aufgetaucht. Wegen der niedrigen Wasserstände aufgrund der extremen Dürre im Westen der USA wurden drei Leichen geborgen. (Bildquelle: IMAGO/Xinhua/IMAGO/Zeng Hui) Am US-Stausee Lake Mead nahe der Glücksspiel-Metropole Las Vegas ist inmitten sinkender Wasserstände die dritte […]
Lake Mead and Lake Powell are now so low that there is risk of falling into what is called “dead pool” – meaning reservoir levels are too low to pass water through the dam.30.06.2022 Millions at risk of power and water shortages as two of the nation’s largest reservoirs on the brink of “dead pool status,” […]
Comment Harrison JonesThursday 28 Jul 2022 12:33 pm 679SHARES Kim Jong Un has threatened to use nuclear weapons if the tensions with South Korea and the USA escalate into a war. The North Korean leader, known for his provocative statements, claimed his regime’s ‘nuclear war deterrent’ is ready and would ‘annihilate’ its neighbour. Tensions have […]
China set to launch ‘targeted military operations’ after Nancy Pelosi defies warnings and touches down in Taiwan The Chinese army has been placed on high alert and will begin “targeted military operations” from Tuesday night local time after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ignored Beijing’s warning and arrived into Taiwan. David WuDigital Reporter 2 min […]
RAMSTEIN LEGACY 2022 (This Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD) exercise is going to be the largest ground-based IAMD exercise in the world, bringing together NATO IAMD Allies and partners to build theatre-wide procedural interoperability.) STAND26.7.2022, 14:50 UHR Auf der Air Base in Ramstein hat eine mehrtägige Militärübung begonnen. Die Truppen trainieren dabei verschiedene Notfälle, […]
By Todd South Aug 1, 03:33 PM A soldier assigned to the 140th Chemical Company, California National Guard, conducts mass casualty decontamination operations at the Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa., July 27, 2022. Task Force 46 and over 600 personnel from its federal, state, local, private and academic partners collaborated to successfully complete the most recent Dense Urban Terrain (DUT) […]
Säuglingsmilchpulver ist in den USA kaum mehr erhältlich. Europäische Hersteller liefern jetzt per Luftfracht. Dienstag, 17.05.2022, 22:26 Uhr Bei Facebook teilen (externer Link, Popup)Bei Twitter teilen (externer Link, Popup)Mit Whatsapp teilen Dieser Artikel wurde 15-mal geteilt. In den USA besteht ein dramatischer Engpass bei Säuglingsnahrung. Grund ist der Ausfall einer Produktionsstätte des Pharmakonzerns Abbott Laboratories in Sturgis, […]
Steven A. Abrams, MD, FAAP Answer Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there have been significant shortages of infant formulas nationwide. Current shortages have been largely caused by supply chain issues and the recent recall of several baby formula products over contamination concerns. Here are some tips on finding baby formula during the shortage, and what you may safely consider if […]
by Daily Mail July 30th 2022, 4:40 am Parents accuse Biden of forgetting about them and mom struggling to feed twins says ‘I’m sure these politicians’ babies eat’ The nationwide baby formula shortage has worsened with 70 percent of all brands reported out-of-stock, despite President Joe Biden’s efforts to make infant milk more accessible. Families in Rhode Island and Vermont have […]
Ein Notfallrucksack sichert einige Tage lang das Überleben, wenn Sie nicht nach Hause gehen können oder bis Hilfsmaßnahmen greifen. In der Regel enthält der Notfallrucksack für Katastrophen ein Sortiment an Lebensmitteln, Wasser, Kleidung und Hilfsmitteln, mit dem Sie mindestens 72 Stunden durchhalten können.
By Alicia PowePublished July 26, 2022 at 4:55pm894 Comments ShareTweetShare to GabTelegramGettrEmail Corrupt politicians are intent on perpetuating a state of emergency by employing scare tactics. In a bid to sustain support for funneling weapons into Ukraine at taxpayer expense and ramp up hysteria surrounding Russia, New York City is issuing warnings to the public on […]
Amid heightened tensions in cross-strait relations, Taiwan’s military is starting a series of newly designed large-scale military drills. Taiwanese analysts say the island should enhance its combat preparedness. Taiwan’s armed forces are on Thursday holding their first live-fire drill for this year, an exercise aimed at improving their military readiness. It comes after Chinese President […]
CHRISTOPHER LEE APRIL 29, 2014 COMMENTARY Of all the positions I held at Yongsan Base in the Republic of Korea from 2008-2011, the most interesting was the United States Forces Korea Joint Intelligence’s Indications and Warnings Officer. In the job, I was charged with monitoring and maintaining vigilance of unusual North Korean activity. While I […]
Ukraine war in maps: Tracking the Russian invasion By The Visual Journalism Team Ukraine is stepping up its operations to recapture occupied territory as Russian forces continue attempts to advance in the east. Here are the latest developments: Ukrainian forces attempting to retake southern city of Kherson Russian troops there are “virtually cut off” after bridge […]
Russia Releases ‘Future Map’ Of Ukraine; Reduces Europe’s Biggest Country To Kyiv While Russia Absorbs The Rest By Tanmay Kadam July 30, 2022 Deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council and Former President – Dmitry Medvedev has posted maps to illustrate what he believes would be the fate of Ukraine. According to Medvedev, Ukraine would probably be reduced […]
ByTanmay Kadam July 22, 2022 China appears to be coming down hard on the possibility of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visiting Taiwan in August, with Chinese experts suggesting a military response if the American lawmaker decides to go ahead with the Taiwan visit. A representative from California, Nancy Pelosi, belongs to the ruling Democratic […]
War Room July 29th 2022, 1:00 pm Owen returns to host this informative Friday edition of War Room! Tune in NOW for exclusive information to help secure victory for the pro-human movement! Pre-order your copy of Alex Jones’ new book “The Great Reset And the War for the World,” while they’re still available! Link in […]
From Patrick Oppmann, Updated 0940 GMT (1740 HKT) September 10, 2012 Power goes out in parts of Cuba 01:49 Story highlights Power begins to return to Havana and other areas early Monday State media report an outage on a transmission line The outage affects a region from the western tip of the island to near the […]