Kategorie Archiv: Volksunterdrückung #2 : Medikamentenmangel!


Full Spectrum Survival370.000 Abonnenten Thanks66.758 Aufrufe 15.10.2023The news is here because of members like you! 🛑 PLEASE HELP TO SUPPORT WHAT WE DO 🛑 https://www.patreon.com/fullspectrums… — Join us on there! You Will Get : * Waterproof Physical Survival Cards sent to you in the mail every single month! *At the $10 level * Exclusive Content […]

Apotheker-Protest: “Die Versorgung wird schwieriger werden.”

SAT.1 REGIONAL43.600 Abonnenten Speichern777 Aufrufe 14.06.2023 #apotheke#protest#versorgungsengpässe Mehr Videos unter https://www.sat1regional.de/ Bei einem bundesweiten Protesttag blieben am Mittwoch auch im Norden viele Apotheken geschlossen. Die Apotheker:innen wollen aufmerksam machen, u.a. auf Lieferengpässe bei Medikamenten und die dadurch gefährdete Versorgungssicherheit. #apotheke#protest#versorgungsengpässe

Taliban shows off seized US military equipment: ‘Disturbing’

Fox News10,5 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern769.645 Aufrufe 28.03.2023 #foxnews Rep. Morgan Luttrell, R-Texas, reacts to photos released by the Taliban of U.S. military equipment seized following the Afghanistan withdrawal as House Republicans continue the search for answers on the botched evacuation. #foxnews Deagel organization predicts massive global depopulation of 50 to 80% by 2025 Historically, a change […]

ÄRZTE & KRANKENHÄUSER AM ENDE | Alles bricht zusammen | Notrufe aus dem Gesundheitswesen 🇩🇪

Rohe Energie130.000 Abonnenten Thanks50.227 Aufrufe 03.02.2023 https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/gesundheits-shop/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/infrarot-entgiften/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/schermbecker-survival-store-de/

SIE VERBIETEN UNS HEILPFLANZEN | Pharmaindustrie und EU | Willkommen in Deutschland 🇩🇪

Rohe Energie127.000 Abonnenten Thanks18.009 Aufrufe 08.01.2023 Quelle 1 (QS24): https://youtu.be/1DDBted31JI Quelle 2 (MSM Pulver): https://amzn.to/3WSbF5i Quelle 3 (TS): https://www.tagesspiegel.de/wirtschaf… ✅Selbstdiagnose https://rohe-energie.com/test ✅Vitamin D3 Tropfen https://rohe-energie.com/d3 ✅Vitamin K2 Tropfen https://rohe-energie.com/k2 ✅Magnesium Kapseln https://rohe-energie.com/mg ✅Omega 3 Algenöl https://rohe-energie.com/omega3 ✅Frisches Vitalwasser https://aquion-quelle.de ✅Labor-Tests https://rohe-energie.com/cerascreen ✅ENAVIE Life https://enavie.de/life_rohe ✅ENAVIE Burn https://enavie.de/burn_rohe ✅ENAVIE Sleep https://enavie.de/sleep_rohe https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/buc/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/big-prepping-de/

Gravitas: China’s financial capital collapses, 70% of Shanghai residents infected with Wuhan virus

WION7,2 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern375.927 Aufrufe 03.01.2023 #shanghai#wuhanvirus#wion Reports say 70% of Shanghai’s residents have been infected with the Wuhan virus. Desperate China has resorted to testing toilet water for infection. Molly Gambhir tells you. #shanghai#wuhanvirus https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/notvorrat-pakete-langzeitnahrung/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/alternative-off-grid-systemen/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/schermbecker-survival-store-de/

Deagel organization predicts massive global depopulation of 50 to 80% by 2025

Historically, a change in the economic paradigmDeagel organization predicts massive global depopulation of 50 to 80% by 2025.Deagel.com Deagel, a true intelligence organization for the US government, predicts a massive 50-80% global depopulation by 2025. Few people are familiar with this website and even more say the organization does not legitimately exist. Despite the overwhelming […]

World Economic Forum Admits Population Control Is Top Issue – Promotes Reducing Number To What It Was In The 1500s

War Room | Banned.video July 21st 2022, 1:06 pm WEF says we need to get the population down to where it was “five hundred years ago” Edited video shared as Pfizer CEO stating that his goal is to reduce world population by half A video through a post is being widely shared on social media claiming that […]

Panama Shutdown Signals Beginning of International Unrest. No fuel available!

PANAMA CITY Fla. (WMBB) — You’ve probably noticed it’s taking more to fill up your tank. Across the country, people are rushing to the pumps in fear of a shortage. Monetized by optAd360 Where are the gas shortages in Florida? Shortages have been more acute in the Florida Panhandle, with reports of 73 percent of […]