Kategorie Archiv: Volksunterdrückung # 31 : Geo-Engeneering attakke auf Jetstream

PRESIDENTIAL WARNING ⛔ issued on LIVE TV – more severe weather coming created by the government | wrol shtf prepping

Patrick Humphrey92.400 Abonnenten Thanks17.336 Aufrufe 14.09.2023 #prepping#shtf#survival#prepping#shtf#survival#homesteading#offgrid#prepper#emergency Follow me on Twitter Just in Case https://twitter.com/PatrickHumphre https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/b-o-v-bug-out-vehicles/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/gesundheits-shop/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/schermbecker-survival-store-de/

Libya floods: fears that 20,000 have died – BBC News

BBC News14,7 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern372.028 Aufrufe 14.09.2023 #BBCNews

Storm Daniel batters Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria with heavy rain | DW News

DW News4,73 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern59.762 Aufrufe 06.09.2023 In Europe Storm Daniel has battered Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria causing landslides and further damage with the deluge. Nine people are confirmed to have died so far. The storm has dumped vast amounts of water on southeastern Europe, with Greece recording the highest level of rainfall since at least […]

WARNING 🚫 They are BEING RELEASED – People Getting SICK – FEDS issue ALERT | shtf prepping

Patrick Humphrey91.900 Abonnenten Thanks11.693 Aufrufe 05.09.2023 SHTF Weekly ReportThis is the Generator that I use Off Grid with Thousands of Hours #homesteading#shtf#prepping#prepper#preparenow#shtfpreparation#warning#survival#offgrid#homestead Follow me on Twitter Just in Case https://twitter.com/PatrickHumphre https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/b-o-b-bug-out-bags/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/schermbecker-survival-store-de/


Patrick Humphrey86.400 Abonnenten Thanks14.138 Aufrufe 30.06.2023Follow me on Twitter Just in Case https://twitter.com/PatrickHumphre

40°C: Record breaking April temperatures worsen Spain’s drought crisis | DW News | DW News

DW News4,57 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern189.101 Aufrufe 27.04.2023 #spain#heatwave#drought Spain is experiencing record heat this April. The summer-high temperatures in Spring are exacerbating a long-running drought. The country’s meteorological agency has attributed the unusually high temperatures to climate change. We talk to Guy Hedgecoe, a journalist in the Spanish capital of Madrid, about the effects of the […]

California homes completely buried in snow from crazy winter storms! Drone and interviews

WXChasing61.900 Abonnenten Thanks602.774 Aufrufe Premiere am 13.03.2023 CALIFORNIARepeated #atmospheric#river have produced record #snow#pack in the #sierra#mountains . These repeated #winter#snowstorm have left #california towns of #sodasprings#truckee and #donnerpass homes buried. In Soda Springs some homes have now been completely covered with snow. Watch as @JonathanPetramala climbs a ladder to knock on a second story door […]

This is CRAZY!! Are They Changing The Weather?!

Coin Bureau2,23 Mio. Abonnenten Clip356.922 Aufrufe 17.09.2022 #Clouds#Theory#Weather🛒 Get The Hottest Crypto Deals 👉 http://www.coinbureau.com/deals 📲 Insider Info in my Socials 👉 https://guy.coinbureau.com/socials/ 👕 My Merch Store 👉https://store.coinbureau.com 🔥 TOP Crypto TIPS In My Newsletter 👉 https://guy.coinbureau.com/signup/ Geo-Engeneering is killing earth! ACTA SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE (ISSN: 2581-365X)Volume 3 Issue 7 July 2019Weather Engineering and its Undesirable Side […]

Huilende raadsleden en linkse geopolitiek – Forum Inside #22

Forum voor Democratie Forum voor Democratie160.000 Abonnenten related articles: In het hol van de leeuw: Baudet in Davos voor WEF-conferentie Forum voor Democratie158.000 Abonnenten Speichern82.793 Aufrufe 21.01.2023 Thierry Baudet ging naar het World Economic Forum in Davos om onderzoek te doen en verslag uit de brengen over zijn bevindingen. Bekijk hier de aftermovie! Word lid: […]

What just happened in New Zealand ??? Biblical Events part 35

The Two Preachers481.000 Abonnenten Clip21.220 Aufrufe 16.02.2023DONATION LINKS: ► Support the Bible Mission: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr… ► 50/50 Split – Your gift is divided between the Bible Mission & Chris and Reza: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr… ► Support the Children’s mission: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr… ► Gift Reza & Chris: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr… 🎵 Music by Simon Wester: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2qUyc… 😀 How to personally connect to […]

In het hol van de leeuw: Baudet in Davos voor WEF-conferentie

Forum voor Democratie158.000 Abonnenten Speichern82.793 Aufrufe 21.01.2023 Thierry Baudet ging naar het World Economic Forum in Davos om onderzoek te doen en verslag uit de brengen over zijn bevindingen. Bekijk hier de aftermovie! Word lid: https://fvd.nl/wordlid ► NIEUWSBRIEF: https://www.fvd.nl/nu ► TELEGRAM: https://t.me/FVDNL ► FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/forumvoordemocratie ► INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/fvdnl/ ► TWITTER: https://twitter.com/fvdemocratie ► TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@forumvdemocra… ► […]

Aufnahmen vom Weihnachtssturm! Massiver Wintersturm, Überschwemmungen und Frost – USA und Kanada

World Is Dangerous138.000 Abonnenten Abonnieren 1686 Teilen Herunterladen Clip150.522 Aufrufe 27.12.2022 #weltistgefährlich#Sturm#SchneesturmAufnahmen vom Weihnachtssturm! Massiver Wintersturm, Überschwemmungen und Einfrieren – USA und Kanada Bist du neugierig, warum mein Kanal so viele Aufrufe bekommt? Dieses Programm hilft mir sehr: https://vidiq.com/WorldIsDangerous (Affiliate-Link) Dieser Kanal zeigt Ihnen Ereignisse als: Überschwemmungen, Stürme, Winterstürme, Vulkanausbrüche, tropische Wirbelstürme, Erdbeben, Waldbrände, Hagelstürme, […]

The Preppers Were Right…

Canadian Prepper894.000 Abonnenten Thanks129.372 Aufrufe 25.12.2022 The preppers were right in 2022 and 2023 will be no different. Merry Xmas and a Happy New year!

Mehr als 30 Tote durch Wintersturm in den USA an Weihnachten

faz218.000 Abonnenten Speichern2.910 Aufrufe 26.12.2022 Durch den heftigen Sturm in den Vereinigten Staaten sind bisher mehr als 30 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. In Buffalo im US-Bundesstaat New York konnten Rettungsdienste einige Bezirke nicht erreichen. Zahlreiche Menschen sitzen in ihren von Eis und Schnee bedeckten Häusern fest. © AFP, REUTERS