Kategorie Archiv: Great Awakening

politocs : look what´s happening to our food!!

politocs : look what´s happening to our food!!

politocs : look what´s happening to our food!!

Van Meijeren pakt De Jonge aan in debat over grondrechten en democratie | FVD

Forum voor Democratie166.000 Abonnenten Speichern4.876 Aufrufe 17.10.2023 De baantjescarrousel draait weer op volle toeren. Uitgerekend Hugo de Jonge is nu hoofdverantwoordelijk voor het beschermen van onze grondrechten. Kartelpolitiek met mogelijk grote gevolgen. Gideon van Meijeren vreest het ergste en herinnert De Jonge aan zijn grondwettelijke verplichting om verantwoording af te leggen aan de Kamer. Word […]

Thierry Baudet spreekt bij ReAwaken America Tour met Trump, Mike Flynn en Ann Vandersteel

Forum voor Democratie166.000 Abonnenten Speichern40.587 Aufrufe 14.10.2023De wereldwijde anti-globalistische alliantie groeit. Thierry Baudet is in de VS voor de ReAwaken America Tour, waar hij de grootste bedreigingen voor het vrije Westen identificeert en de alternatieve visie van FVD presenteert. Word lid: https://fvd.nl/wordlid ► NIEUWSBRIEF: https://www.fvd.nl/nu ► TELEGRAM: https://t.me/FVDNL ► FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/forumvoordemocratie ► INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/fvdnl/ ► […]

Creepy Videos that will send you down the Rabbit Hole

MODTRICCA152.000 Abonnenten Thanks135.347 Aufrufe 15.10.2023 In today’s video, I react to a creepy compilation full of mind blowing TikToks and YouTube Shorts. This haunting video features some scary celebrity conspiracies, unexplained UFO sightings and strange events from around the world. There’s also some terrifying paranormal activity that will keep you up all night. Let me […]

Oud AIVD-medewerker WAARSCHUWT! Elke inwoner van Europa wordt straks AFGELUISTERD door de overheid!

KafkaNL83.600 Abonnenten Clip1.086 Aufrufe 14.10.2023 Oud AIVD-medewerker WAARSCHUWT! Elke inwoner van Europa wordt straks AFGELUISTERD door de overheid!

FULL INTERVIEW: Dr Jordan Peterson opens up in emotional Piers Morgan discussion

Sky News Australia3,59 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks60.206 Aufrufe 04.10.2023 Clinical psychologist and public intellectual Dr Jordan Peterson has sat down with Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan for an emotional and passionate interview discussing life and death, free speech and God. In the wide-ranging exclusive interview, Dr Peterson also opened up on his views pertaining to the […]

Elon Musk Just Did This In Ukraine And It Could Change EVERYTHING

Russell Brand6,67 Mio. Abonnenten Clip398.703 Aufrufe 04.10.2023 Need help ahead of the IRS October 15th tax deadline? Check out: https://www.TaxNetworkUSA.com/Brand Joe Biden has been speaking about the “misinformation” on X, while the Senate Armed Services Committee are ‘aggressively’ investigating Musk for denying the Ukrainian government and extension of Starlink for an attack on Russia.

15 Creepy videos going viral right now – REACTION

MODTRICCA148.000 Abonnenten Thanks68.192 Aufrufe Premiere vor 6 Stunden.In this video, I react to 15 Creepy short videos that are going viral right now. The clips feature some strange movie conspiracies, scary animal creatures as well as some awesome theories about the Ancient Sumerian Annunaki. Let me know what you think about this creepy compilation in […]

France LEAVING Niger, Will U.S. Do The Same?

JENerational Change13.100 Abonnenten Speichern997 Aufrufe 01.10.2023 #niger#news#presidentmacron Macron has announced that France is finally leaving Niger. After taking a stand that they would not leave, France has now switched and is leaving, sparking the question if the U.S. might finally follow?

ONGECENSUREERD INTERVIEW: Thierry Baudet over zijn persoonlijke leven

Forum voor Democratie165.000 Abonnenten Speichern13.474 Aufrufe 02.10.2023 Word lid: https://fvd.nl/wordlid ► NIEUWSBRIEF: https://www.fvd.nl/nu ► TELEGRAM: https://t.me/FVDNL ► FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/forumvoordemocratie ► INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/fvdnl/ ► TWITTER: https://twitter.com/fvdemocratie ► TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@forumvdemocra… ► BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/fvdnl ► GAB: https://gab.com/fvdnl ► WEBSITE: https://fvd.nl​​​​​​​​​​​ ☻ SUBSCRIBE NU:    / @forumdemocratie  

COINCIDENCE? You Decide – Tim Tebow and John 3:16 – Sunday’s Game Stats with “316” In Them!!!

joel10000a122.000 Abonnenten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD8JEqDHDE0 Speichern36.390 Aufrufe 10.01.2012Sunday’s Pro Football Game between the Denver Broncos and the Pittsburgh Steelers, produced some startling statistics with reference to Tim Tebow’s “John 3:16” slogan that he has had imprinted beneath his eyes in eye black for years!! Watch and see!!! http://www.cbn.com/700club 800-759-00700 – Toll Free Prayer Line

Tim Tebow erzählt die unglaubliche Geschichte von Johannes 3:16

ABOVE INSPIRATION2,63 Mio. Abonnenten Herunterladen471.607 Aufrufe 10.01.2019Johannes 3:16 ist vielleicht der bekannteste Vers in der Bibel, aber es ist auch das Thema einer erstaunlichen Geschichte, die der Heisman Trophy-Gewinner und Profisportler Tim Tebow erzählt.

The Good Shepherd | Tim Tebow | The Gospel of John

Biltmore Church5970 Abonnenten Clip17.620 Aufrufe Live übertragen am 03.07.2022 #TheGospelOfJohnGood Morning! We are excited to have Tim Tebow with as we continue in our series #TheGospelOfJohn.

Founder Of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Answers Whether Jet Fuel Can Melt Steel Beams

Valuetainment Short Clips550.000 Abonnenten Thanks914.525 Aufrufe 17.09.2022 #pbdpodcast#valuetainmentshortclips FaceTime or Ask Patrick any questions on https://minnect.com/ Want to get clear on your next 5 business moves? https://valuetainment.com/academy/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/jeromus-555/

He Made A Black Song! Donald Trump First Day Out Reaction

The Wave 8043580 Abonnenten Thanks203.393 Aufrufe 30.08.2023Did he drop the biggest song of 2023?? https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/jeromus-555/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/schermbecker-survival-store-de/


Inter Vlog92.500 Abonnenten Clip368.339 Aufrufe 07.09.2023 China delivered Norinco’s WZ-551 IFVs and VP11 MRAPs to Mali. With a rumble and a roar, the Malian army welcomed a new fleet of military vehicles into their fold. This second batch, a generous offering from China’s Norinco Group, includes the dynamic WZ-551 wheeled infantry fighting vehicles and the […]

Central Bank Digital Currency Gets BANNED by House GOP!!!

Dr. Steve Turley1,14 Mio. Abonnenten Herunterladen84.115 Aufrufe 21.09.2023 #ad#sponsor Learn how to protect your life savings from inflation and an irresponsible government, with Gold and Silver. Go to https://TurleyTalksLikesGold.com#ad#sponsor

Joe Rogan EXPOSES How The Hollywood Elites Like Oprah Want To STEAL Land In Maui

Binge Central73.300 Abonnenten Clip605.359 Aufrufe 20.09.2023 #joerogan#mauifires Joe Rogan, the well-known voice of reason and curiosity, has recently unleashed a powerful call to action in defense of Maui residents. He’s taken a stand against elites who are greedily eyeing the land of these islanders, questioning the audacity of anyone trying to snatch away their homes, […]

12-Year-Old Mocks Greta Thunberg On Mass Surveillance & Smart Cities

The Jimmy Dore Show1,24 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks390.508 Aufrufe 23.08.2023 #TheJimmyDoreShow This past Saturday, the Stop Oxford: No 15 Minute Cities community day of action was held in Oxford in the UK, attracting thousands of protesters. Among the speakers was a 12-year-old girl named “Jasmin” who quickly went viral for claiming the 15-minute neighbourhoods were “soon to […]

1 MILLION STRONG Freedom Rally STORMS Across Canada!!!

Dr. Steve Turley1,14 Mio. Abonnenten Herunterladen62.736 Aufrufe 20.09.2023 HE’LL BE BACK! Get your limited edition TRUMPINATOR 2024 Bobblehead HERE: https://www.proudpatriots.us/3LPDKC/4… ——————————————————————— The Courageous Patriot Community is inviting YOU! Join the movement now and build the parallel economy at https://join.turleytalks.com/insiders… ——————————————————————— Get Your Brand-New PATRIOT T-Shirts and Merch Here ➡️ https://store.turleytalks.com/collect… ⬅️

“Reminds me of Andrew Tate” – Is the Establishment Targeting Russell Brand for Speaking Out?

Valuetainment4,81 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks617.790 Aufrufe 19.09.2023 Patrick Bet-David and the Home Team react to the news about Russell Brand. They discuss how it is similar to what the establishment did to Andrew Tate for speaking out against it. ▶ PBD Podcast | EP 305 Read more: https://valuetainment.com/man-arreste…

Volker Pispers zu Staatsfinanzen: Es geht um Zinsen und nie um Schulden! | Bis neulich …

ZDF Satire494.000 Abonnenten ClipZDF ist Teil des deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks.Wikipedia288.292 Aufrufe 30.08.2023 #volkerpispers#zdfsatire#schulden Wieviel Schulden jemand hat, interessiert laut Volker Pispers niemanden. Es geht um was ganz anderes! Volker Pispers beleuchtet die Welt der Staatsverschuldung und zeigt, dass es oft mehr um Zinsen als um die eigentlichen Schulden geht. Er vergleicht die finanzielle Lage verschiedener […]

Bier VERBIEDEN in kantines?! Baudet confronteert regering met KNOTSGEKKE plannen | FVD

Forum voor Democratie164.000 Abonnenten Speichern48.874 Aufrufe 04.07.2023 In het vragenuurtje stelt Thierry Baudet de overheidsbetutteling aan de kaak: het verbieden van het biertje in de kantine, de helmplicht, de mondkapjesplicht, een vliegtaks, een vleestaks, enz. FVD waarschuwt voor het gevaar van een overheid die onze levens tot in de puntjes wil beheersen. De overheid zélf […]

PRESIDENTIAL WARNING ⛔ issued on LIVE TV – more severe weather coming created by the government | wrol shtf prepping

Patrick Humphrey92.400 Abonnenten Thanks17.336 Aufrufe 14.09.2023 #prepping#shtf#survival#prepping#shtf#survival#homesteading#offgrid#prepper#emergency Follow me on Twitter Just in Case https://twitter.com/PatrickHumphre https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/b-o-v-bug-out-vehicles/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/gesundheits-shop/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/schermbecker-survival-store-de/

Republikaner wollen Amtsenthebung von US-Präsident Biden

Speichern7.352 Aufrufe 13.09.2023 In den USA treiben die oppositionellen Republikaner ihre Pläne für ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen den demokratischen Präsidenten Joe Biden voran. Dabei geht es um die Geschäftstätigkeiten von Joe Bidens Sohn Hunter, die seit Jahren im Fokus der Republikaner stehen. © AFP, AP Link zum Video: https://www.faz.net/-gq5-bewfd Link zur Homepage: https://www.faz.net https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/schermbecker-survival-store-de/