NEWS Author:N1 Belgrade, RTS20.09.2022 23:31


Source: n1

President Aleksandar Vucic told the Serbian state TV (RTS) that things are even worse in the world that predicted by UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres at the 77th General Assembly in New York and warned of a possible global confict.

“I think the realistic predictions are even darker… Our position is even worse since the UN’s role is weaker in the world because the great powers have taken everything onto themselves and de facto destroyed the UN order over the past few decades,” he said.

He said that it won’t be hard to assume what Russian President Vladimir Putin will say. “I assume that we are going from a special military operation to a big war and the question now is where the line is drawn and will we go to a large global conflict like we haven’t had since World War 2 in a month or two,” he said.

Vucic’s warning of a global conflict was featured as the top news of the day on the Russia Today portal.

“For all of us who are small and who want to be sure and provide security for our citizens, there is no good news and I expect that we will see things get more complicated between the West and Russian Federation and between the West and China,” Vucic said.

According to him the fact that a large number of heads of state are attending the General Assembly means that they are looking for a way out and some hope. He added that the speeches by the presidents of Turkey and Kyrgizya show that there are crises across the world.

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