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#scandal#ukraine#powerMore Secrets Tumble Out of European Union’s Corruption Closet | Qatargate | EU Corruption. Europe is firefighting on multiple fronts. Helping Ukraine while incurring tremendous economic costs itself, trying to fight the US over the Inflation Reduction Act, confronting the mammoth energy crisis and sanctioning Russia. Europe has got all its hands occupied. Now, the body fighting on behalf of Europe on these fronts has been rocked by a grave corruption scandal. This has dented the EU’s reputation. Watch to know more. — Europe Corruption | Qatar | Europe | European Union | European Parliament | Qatargate | EU Corruption Scandal| Belgium | Europe Sanctions | Russia Sanctions | Ukraine War | Europe Energy Crisis | United States | Moscow | EU Russia | China | Geopolitics | Latest News | International News | Firstpost #europe#corruption#europeanunion#ukraine#crisis#scandal#bribe#biden#putin#usa#energy#power#sanctions#Firstpost