Poplar Preparedness80.100 Abonnenten


Thanks47.978 Aufrufe 05.01.2023 #emptyshelves#Foodshortages#Inflation

Is Russia crazy enough to launch a nuclear first strike on the USA and it’s allies? With the Russian nuclear fleet heading to the sea armed with the Zircon Hypersonic missiles and the Poseidon nuclear torpedo the threat has never been greater. Genesis Gold Group | https://genesisgoldgroup.com/ Jonathan – 1-800-200-4653 Sign-Up For “The Poplar Report” Newsletter http://eepurl.com/hRgqpr Jase Medical (Antibiotics) https://jasemedical.com?rstr=4425 Use Code POPLAR10 for $10 off Steve Poplar, PO Box 326 Strabane, PA 15363 Twitter @poplarprepared


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