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Thanks9.610 Aufrufe Live übertragen am 19.02.2023People are getting touch watching this pre-recorded video from the Asbury revival in Kentucky, USA. Please comment on what God is doing for you!
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Thanks147.081 Aufrufe 14.02.2023 #christiannews#christian#cbnnews
As the historic revival at Asbury University stretches into its sixth day, one pastor says the Holy Spirit is now moving in a big way on another college campus. Rob Fultz, campus pastor Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee, said revival also started breaking out at his school Monday, with around eight students starting a prayer that ignited a movement.
“They were actually talking about the Asbury revival,” he said of these students. “And one of the students asked the professor, ‘Why not here? And why not now? Can we go to the chapel right now and pray for revival on our campus?'” The group did just that — and the results were incredible.”It’s been rolling since 9 o’clock [Monday] morning. And the spirit of God is moving,” Fultz said.
“We’ve seen salvation, deliverance, healing over the last 24 hours.” He continued, “It’s just been a phenomenal, humbling, incredibly delicate move of God.” Fultz said he was on campus until 4 a.m., worshipping with the students until other leaders came to relieve him. Outside churches and faculty have also participated, with some donating hundreds of water bottles and snacks for the students who are taking part.
The preacher, who is in his fifth year as campus minister at Lee, said he hasn’t seen anything like this during his time there, though he noted a revival broke out on campus in the 1970s just weeks after Asbury also experienced one of its most famous revivals. Once again, spiritual activity at Asbury seems to be sparking a chain reaction on other campuses. Fultz believes the nest big cultural revival will come through the current generation.
This is something that God really impressed on my heart for this generation: The greatest revival in human history will come in this generation,” he said. “It may not look like anything that we’ve ever seen before, but it will happen.” He believes the events unfolding at Asbury and Lee are the result of “a pure hunger for a true encounter with Jesus.”
Considering the struggles in contemporary culture, Fultz believes young people are looking for something more genuine and dynamic. “But this generation, I think … the weight that they’re carrying is demanding something way more authentic, something way more real,” he said. “And I really believe it’s that hunger for holiness —
that hunger for a true encounter with a divine God is really what’s driving their hearts and their passion to really just keep pursuing Him.” Fultz said he’s not sure what will happen next but that the spirit of revival is already hitting other college campuses. “I don’t think these are isolated moments at all, because I do believe that this generation is going to see it,” he said.
“I believe they’re gonna see Jesus move in undeniable, unbelievable ways.” Download the free CBN News App:
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Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #10 !! Line Stretches Half a Mile as Revival is on Display at Asbury: ‘Very Healing Experience’
Thanks154.418 Aufrufe 17.02.2023 #christiannews#cbnnews#christian
WILMORE, Kentucky – The revival at Asbury University is now in its 10th day as thousands of people continue to make the spiritual pilgrimage to this town in hopes of encountering more of God. The revival is now officially in overflow mode with the line of people to get inside stretching nearly a half mile long. CBN News spoke with folks from all over the country who were waiting patiently to get into Hughes Auditorium here at Asbury so they can experience revival for themselves. Andrew Hager of Lexington, Kentucky said, “God is here! God is here and He’s working right now, come and get you some, you hear me.” Read the full story from CBN’s Wendy Griffith:…
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Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #9 !! You Wouldn’t Believe If This Was Not Recorded!!
Thanks13.758 Aufrufe 17.02.2023
You wouldn’t believe it if this was not recorded Something biblical is happening in America with the Asbury Revival, John MacArthur If you find The Gospel of Christ videos helpful please consider subscribing by clicking the link below:… ** I upload two videos a week MONDAY/WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 9:30am Eastern Time* Consider supporting our ministry on of two ways (click links below): Become a Patreon Member:… Buy me a coffee here:… Follow our Facebook Page: