Hindustan Times5,28 Mio. Abonnenten
Speichern193.123 Aufrufe 19.03.2023 #paris#protest#franceprotests
Paris continues to remain on the edge for a third straight night as police clash with protesters marching against Macron government’s pension age reform. The Macron government is pushing through a rise in the state pension age without a parliamentary vote.
Angry protesters marched across various cities in France. In the capital, protesters set fire to garbage piles and raised slogans against the government. Riot police used tear gas and charged at protesters with batons. The authorities have banned protests at key sites including the Champ-Elysees and Place de la Concorde. Watch this video for details. #paris#protest#franceprotests#france#pension#pensionrevision#francepension#macron#macrongovt
CNN-News183,57 Mio. Abonnenten
Barricades Set On Fire In Paris As Pension Reform Protests Turn Violent | Paris Pension Protest News
Speichern139.002 Aufrufe Vor 12 Stunden live gestreamt #paris#protests#englishnewsliveBarricades Set On Fire In Paris As Pension Reform Protests Turn Violent | Paris Pension Protest News Protesters angered by the French government’s surprise move to force through its pension reform clashed with riot police in Paris on Thursday evening as barricades of garbage bins and trash were set on fire in the streets. #paris#protests#englishnewslive#cnnnews18live#news18live
JustAs it is107.000 Abonnenten
Live: French workers protest after Macron plans to force through pension changes without vote
Speichern373.834 Aufrufe Vor 11 Stunden live gestreamt #JustAsitis#JAIINEWS#French
Live from Paris o as French workers and citizens take to the streets after President Emmanuel Macron decided to use executive privilege to force through his pension reforms without a vote in the National Assembly. The Senate passed the proposals by 193-144, which increase the retirement age from 62 to 64.
However, the vote in the lower house was withdrawn at the last minute, with the result believed to be too close to call. Regular demonstrations and strikes against the bill have taken place in recent months, with rallies expected to intensify following the use of the executive power. Join this channel to get access to perks: / @justasitis
Large antiwar protests rock Europe
The Grayzone267.000 Abonnenten
Thanks92.542 Aufrufe 09.03.2023 #TheGrayzone
The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the wave of antiwar protests that have erupted across Western Europe, from Berlin to Brussels, in response to escalatory arms shipments to Ukraine and new revelations about the destruction of the Nordstream pipelines.
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