Charisma News10.400 Abonnenten
Clip6.476 Aufrufe Premiere am 14.03.2023Mario Murillo shares details from the frontlines of revival as he and his ministry team preach in Bakersfield California under the overflowing tent! Miracles, Healings, Salvations and More!!! Read the Article… Join in the Harvest!

Major Revival Events Set for California | CBN NewsWatch March 20, 2023 – Asbury Revival Day #40 !!
CBN News940.000 Abonnenten
Thanks34.614 Aufrufe 20.03.2023 #christiannews#christian#cbnnewsRevival events, called “Hope California,” planned throughout the Golden State, including in stadiums, and how churches are coming together to fulfill the vision for “Luke 4:18 gatherings;” a terrorist attack against a family in Samaria, as CBN will hold a live prayer event for Israel Tuesday, praying for peace in the Israel during the upcoming Islamic holy month of Ramadan; former President Trump says he expects to be indicted by New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg in hush money case previously rejected by other government lawyers, as Republicans and legal analysts say the case is very weak; a look at the House Freedom Caucus, and what they hope to accomplish; how Christianity grew, then faded, and is now growing again in Ireland; and thousands of runners came from around the world to run in this year’s Jerusalem Marathon. Download the free CBN News App:
My Asbury Revival Experience (Richard Rudesill) – Asbury Revival Day #39 !!
rmrudesi43 Abonnenten
Speichern55 Aufrufe 20.03.2023
On February 16 and 20, 2023, I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Wilmore, Kentucky and experience some of the Asbury University Revival/Outpouring/Refreshing. I was a student at Asbury Theological Seminary from 1998-2003 and lived in Wilmore most of that time. Here is a short video about the experience of the recent trips to the revival.
Wesely’s17.700 Abonnenten
Wie China eine Erweckung in ASBURY beeinflusst hat | China verfolgt Christen – Asbury Revival Day #37 !!
Clip3.128 Aufrufe 23.02.2023 #Jesus#Bibel#ChristÜber einige Wochen hat ein Revival (Erweckung) in Asbury stattgefunden, was aber sehr interessant ist, ist Chinas Rolle bei dem ganzen. WERDE TEIL UNSERES NEUEN FILMES:
Revival in Tulsa – Asbury Revival Day #36 !!
KJRH -TV | Tulsa | Channel 2155.000 Abonnenten
Speichern93.030 Aufrufe 28.02.2023Revival in Tulsa

‘Our Culture’s Going to Be Changed’: Massive Revival at Asbury University 12,02,2023 Captivates the World – Asbury Revival Day #35 !!
CBN News935.000 Abonnenten
Thanks879.520 Aufrufe 13.02.2023 #christiannews#christian#cbnnewsThe nation is captivated by the revival breaking out at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, as students, faculty, and people from outside the Christian campus flock to the chapel to take part in a multi-day revival. From singing to sermons and overt praise for Jesus, the praise and worship service, which started February 8, hasn’t stopped. Day and night, students and professors are worshipping Jesus. It’s a scene that has left Alexandra Presta, a senior at Asbury University, in awe. Presta, editor of the student-run website The Asbury Collegian, has been writing about what she experienced after attending what she thought was a typical chapel service last Wednesday. But that service was like none other. She and others stayed all day and through the night — and have continued returning. “Peers, professors, local church leaders and seminary students surround me — all of them praying, worshipping and praising God together,” Presta wrote about the experience. “Voices are ringing out. People are bowing at the altar, arms stretched wide. A pair of friends cling to each other in a hug, one with tears in her eyes. A diverse group of individuals crowd the piano and flawlessly switch from song to song.” She added something else worth pondering: “No one wants to leave.” Presta joined CBN’s Faithwire to discuss how the Christian revival at Asbury is transforming not only the campus community as a whole, but individual hearts and minds — including her own. She said the campus will continue the revival so long as the Holy Spirit urges them to do so. Presta also said she believes the Kentucky revival will make a massive impact for the Lord. Watch Presta explain the revival, look back at the famed 1970s event that happened on the same campus, and share her first-hand experience of this incredible moment.
🔴Worship STREAM – ASBURY REVIVAL 12.03.2023 Stream With Moderated Live Chat🔴Give Love Pre-eminence #6 – Asbury Revival Day #34 !!
Father’s Heart International Ministries8120 Abonnenten
Clip327 Aufrufe Live übertragen am 12.03.2023 #asburyrevival#revival#Livestream
Asbury REVIVAL 2023 Worship Streamed We worship Him in One Unified Body across the nations!!! This is not live but a stream of past services. We do this because of the tremendous anointing on the CORPORATE worship as we gather as ONE on YouTube worshipping JESUS together! Jesus has shown us that the more people drink from the RIVER at ASBURY and honour what Father is doing there, the greater the river will grow in all other nations and increase what Father is doing in Asbury. It is all about how thirsty we are CORPORATELY! Receiving Father’s unconditional love in our souls as our daily bread is essential for us to overcome the darkness and the pain we find ourselves confronted with. Oh How HE LOVES US! Do you know how to receive Father’s love each and every day? Today, we look at Father’s unconditional love and how to receive the greatest of ALL treasures.
The Asbury Revival: A Student Shares Her Unique Experience (2023) – Asbury Revival Day #33 !!
Capturing Christianity173.000 Abonnenten
Thanks7.775 Aufrufe 27.02.2023 #ExistenceofGod#Apologetics#CapturingChristianity
I recently flew down to Asbury University to interview Lena Marlowe, a senior student at Asbury. Her story is unique–she was on the Gospel Choir when the outpouring began. Btw, we were filming in Dr. Craig Keener’s office at Asbury. His interview will be available soon as well! ————————— FREE STUFF ————————— “The Rationality of Christian Theism” & “The Ultimate List of Apologetics Terms for Beginners” E-Books (completely free):
Preaching for God’s Glory4900 Abonnenten
Revival breaks out at Grace Community Church!!!! | Shepherd’s Conference, Another Asbury Revival? – Asbury Revival Day #32 !!
Thanks603 Aufrufe 13.03.2023 #johnmacarthur#shepherdsconference#ShepconTruth Transforms: Episode 84 [TT0084] Love Offering: If you were blessed by this video, and feel led to make a one-time donation of any amount, you can do so here: OR here:
More Revivals Emerge After Asbury – Is America on the Threshold of a Great Spiritual Awakening? – Asbury Revival Day #30 !!
CBN News928.000 Abonnenten
Thanks28.432 Aufrufe 11.03.2023 #breakingnews#politicalnews#christiannews
The Asbury Revival may be only the beginning. What must happen now? Christian author Mark Burrell says America must rediscover God’s covenant with the nation. CBN’s Gary Lane has the interview. Download the free CBN News App: SUBSCRIBE to the CBN News Channel for more:… SUBSCRIBE to the QuickStart Newsletter by visiting SUBSCRIBE to the Quickstart Podcast. New episodes every morning at 7am:
Wednesday Night Asbury Revival 2023 Livestream video – Asbury Revival Day #28 !!
Living By Fire1020 Abonnenten
Clip10.531 Aufrufe Vor 19 Stunden live gestreamt #asburyrevival#asbury#revival
Asbury Revival Live. Livestream of the revival at Asbury. This has been an amazing time experiencing the presence of God. Asbury Revival Live Stream 2023. asbury revival asbury revival 2023 live stream asbury revival 2023 asbury revival live asbury revival 2023 live asbury revival live stream #asburyrevival#revival#asbury#prayer How will we move on from watching revival to spreading revival?
• Asbury Revival Up… Check us out! Website: Facebook: Odysee: Twitter: Buying a coffee helps to support the channel:… Please consider supporting the channel in other ways. Paypal:…
Erweckung in Deutschland – Sei auch du Teil der Vision – Asbury – Revival bricht in Deutschland aus-Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #27 !!
Holyfire TV478 Abonnenten
Clip11.252 Aufrufe 27.02.2023 BUCHHOLZ IN DER NORDHEIDE Gott gießt seinen Geist auf alles Fleisch. Auch in Deutschland erleben wir Erweckung und sehen wie die Menschen hungrig nach einer Begegnung des lebendigen Gottes sind. Erweckung ist nicht nur ein “Happening”! Etwas, das einfach so passiert, sondern wenn wir erweckt sind, und lernen unser Leben Ihm als lebendiges Opfer zu hinzugeben, uns füllen zu lassen, mit seinem Geist und seiner Liebe, dann wird die Erweckung aus uns heraus von Innen nach Außen wirken und unser Umfeld verändern. Die Vision ist ganz klar und einfach. Lasst uns zurück zur ersten Liebe kommen und die Hauptsache wieder zur Hauptsache machen. Jesus ist die Hauptsache Holyfire Ministry Andreas & Dorothea Schulz
Revival is Now South Africa -Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #26 !!
Apostle Kathryn Krick305.000 Abonnenten
Thanks25.111 Aufrufe 01.03.2023
Watch the powerful move of God in Johannesburg, South Africa in November 2022. Around 3,000 hungry ones came to encounter Jesus. God delivered so many. As you watch you will see a constant flow of the anointing, destroying yokes off of so many people.
🔴 STREAM – ASBURY REVIVAL 2023 Worship Streamed With Live Chat Moderated!🔴Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #25 !!
Father’s Heart International Ministries7950 Abonnenten
Thanks19.294 Aufrufe Vor 19 Stunden live gestreamt
Asbury REVIVAL 2023 Worship Streamed – We worship Him in One Unified Body across the nations!!!
This is not live but a stream of past services. We do this because of the tremendous anointing on the CORPORATE worship as we gather as ONE on YouTube worshipping JESUS together! Jesus has shown us that the more people drink from the RIVER at ASBURY and honour what Father is doing there, the greater the river will grow in all other nations and increase what Father is doing in Asbury. It is all about how thirsty we are CORPORATELY!
#Livestream#revival#asburyrevival ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Asbury Revival SPREADING and CHANGING Culture!!
Dr. Steve Turley1,07 Mio. Abonnenten
Thanks51.401 Aufrufe 04.03.2023Join Kingdom Entrepreneurs March 9-11th and make an EXPANSIVE IMPACT by registering today at…
The Asbury Revival Inspired Thousands to Recover Their Relationship with God | EWTN News In Depth – Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #24 !!
EWTN786.000 Abonnenten
Clip1.381 Aufrufe 04.03.2023Though the Asbury Revival service has officially ended, its impact continues. Correspondent Mark Irons travels to Kentucky to hear college students’ first-hand revival experiences. Hosted by Montse Alvarado, EWTN News In Depth welcomes guests in a discussion of current events in the Church, politics, and culture, all through the lens of the Catholic faith. This show is about finding out who we are as people and as Catholics, and how we can confidently live our faith in the world. It is produced by EWTN News: ————- EWTN News In Depth airs on EWTN Fridays at 8pm ET. It re-airs on Saturdays at 1am ET & Sundays at 11am ET ———— Sign up today to receive the EWTN News In Depth newsletter: ————- Follow EWTN News In Depth on Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:…
You Wouldn’t Believe If This Was Not Recorded – Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #23 !!
The Gospel of Christ416.000 Abonnenten
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Thanks114.097 Aufrufe 02.03.2023
You wouldn’t believe if this was not recorded.
Latest Update From Asbury Revival and What We Can All Learn From This Event… Latest update from Asbury revival: The next step from this.
Tucker Carlson asked not to come Asbury and what we need to learn from this revival.
Latest update: Asbury revival asked Tucker Carlson not to come and what we all can learn from this. With Justin Peters, Tucker Carlson, Alissa Childers, and John Henry. If you find The Gospel of Christ videos helpful please consider subscribing by clicking the link below: / thegospelofchrist…
Asbury Latest Revival Update!-Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #22 !!
700 Club Interactive196.000 Abonnenten
Clip2.526 Aufrufe Premiere am 28.02.2023Revival at Asbury University is spreading to other colleges even Regent University.
Asbury Revival | Testimonies of What We Saw
Olessia Wishard242 Abonnenten
Clip34.671 Aufrufe 25.02.2023 ASBURY UNIVERSITYEnjoy these testimonies from believers who attended the Asbury Revival on February 20th, 2023! It was a beautiful time & God is so so good! On February 8th 2023, Asbury University’s routine chapel services never ended. For two weeks straight there was non-stop worship as students continued to pray and worship the Lord together. People from all over the world and across the United States came to witness the outpouring of God and to see what He was doing in that place. It was a beautiful time & I pray that the spirit of revival continues to break out all across the world! I pray that we get on fire for sharing the Gospel to all the nations! Sorry to those who I couldn’t include in the video due to audio issues!
Did Asbury Spark the Next Great Awakening? ‘The Time Is Now; the Kingdom of God Is Here’ – Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #20 !!
CBN News895.000 Abonnenten
Thanks25.671 Aufrufe 24.02.2023 #breakingnews#politicalnews#christiannews
The revival that began at Asbury University two weeks ago shows no signs of slowing down, growing outward to more and more college campuses across the nation.
Flames from the Asbury Awakening have spread like wildfire as the Holy Spirit continues to fill students’ hearts and minds across the country.
Fifteen straight days of revival at Asbury culminated with the university hosting the 200th anniversary of the National Collegiate Day of Prayer.
“You have met us here and reminded the world that you are the risen Lord, and we pray tonight, and we dedicate this night to you to ignite a fire throughout this country,” prayed one of the speakers at the final Asbury event.
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This Is One of the Most Inspiring Things I’ve Ever Seen – Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #19 !!
Ben Shapiro5,38 Mio. Abonnenten
Thanks418.507 Aufrufe 25.02.2023 #asburyrevival#asbury#revival
Asbury University started a 24/7 revival meeting drawing 50,000+ people into this small Kentucky town just to pray.
This has been going on for the past 13+ days. The fact that this hasn’t garnered intense media coverage is shocking. Watch the member-only portion of my show on DailyWire+: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day.…
Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #16 !! – Heaven Invades Asbury, Again: Echoes of the 1970 Jesus Revolution Are Already Resounding!!
CBN News893.000 Abonnenten
Thanks70.396 Aufrufe 23.02.2023 #breakingnews#politicalnews#christiannews
WILMORE, Kentucky – Starting this week, the Asbury revival is moving off campus and into the community.
The hope is that the services will spread from place to place and spark a nationwide move of God. It’s a strategy that Asbury followed after a similar wave in 1970 that helped kick off the Jesus revolution.
Rev. Jim McIlrath remembers the 1970 revival because he was there. “When I walked in those doors, it was almost like 53 years hadn’t passed. The same Spirit washed over me,” he recalled.
As an 18-year-old high school senior, McIlrath worked as a janitor at Asbury when revival broke out on that snowy morning, February 3rd, 1970. Read the full story from CBN’s Wendy Griffith:…
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ASBURY REVIVAL IS GOING GLOBAL – Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #15 !!
Asbury Revival ends as worshippers move to new locations | Rush Hour – Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #14 !!
NewsNation700.000 Abonnenten
Speichern3.912 Aufrufe 22.02.2023After the two-weeklong revival service, Asbury University officials are working to resume normal campus activities. Worshippers are now finding new locations to continue meeting. “Rush Hour” is a no fluff, no filler newscast hosted by Nichole Berlie featuring up-to-the-minute news drawing from a network of journalists across the U.S. Weekdays starting at 5p/4C. NewsNation is your source for fact-based, unbiased news for all America.
Asbury Revival SHUTDOWN after TODAY!!! (Public Worship discontinued) | Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck – Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #13 !!
Preaching for God’s Glory1640 Abonnenten
Clip33.882 Aufrufe 20.02.2023 #asburyrevival#asburyrevival2023#revivalTruth Transforms (Episode 75) [TT0075) Non-stop Worship at Asbury University Discontinued The University of Asbury has had non-stop worship since Wednesday, February 8th. Many are referring to this as a revival. There is non-stop worship! There is non-stop prayer! Is this a great move of God or is this not of God? How should we think about what is going on right now at Asbury College? Be sure to watch to find out! [Update to the Asbury Revival] Non-stop Worship Discontinued Public Worship Discontinued after Monday 2/20/23. Episode features Tucker Carlson of @FoxNews and @glennbeck of The Blaze Network (@theblazeprod). Preaching for God’s Glory provides biblical preaching and teaching for life transformation to help believers grow in sanctification, discernment and biblical wisdom to live for God’s glory. I would love to have you join the community of subscribers and receive daily biblical teaching. Preaching for God’s Glory Channel Trailer: If you feel led to give to support the ministry, you can provide a one-time donation at: Watch Next: How Should We Respond to the Majesty of God (Sermon Jam): Growing in Christ:… View Sermon Clips: Truth Nuggets (Sermon Clips and Clips from Truth Transforms):… Truth Nuggets in James: James: A Faith that Works (Series):… View Full Truth Transform Episodes:… See all Playlists:… Subscribe to this channel to be notified of new videos (don’t forget to hit the bell!)… *Thank you for subscribing. Now make sure to hit the notification bell or else Youtube will not notify you of new videos. 🙂 More information about Preaching for God’s Glory: Podcasts: Truth Transforms Watch on Youtube:… Watch on Rumble:… Follow on Instagram:… Follow on Gab: Follow on Facebook:… Listen on Apple Podcasts: – Truth Transforms on Apple Podcasts:… If you feel led to support financially: ————————————————————— Keywords: Preaching, Biblical Preaching, Expository Preaching, Exposition, Bible Teaching, Biblical Teaching, Devotionals, Devotions, Bible Reading, Scripture Reading, Verse of the Day, Daily Bible Verse, Daily Bible Reading, Daily Scripture Reading, Sermons, Sermon, Reformed, Calvinist, Calvinistic, Calvinism, Theology, Christianity, Jesus, Jesus Christ, God, Discernment, Cultural Commentary, Critical Thinking, Sanctification, Growing in Christ, Christian, Christian Growth, Pastor, Bible Teacher, Sermon Clips Template updated: 9/26/22
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Man Who Died and Went to Heaven Attends Asbury Revival and Declares, “Heaven is Here!”
Destiny Image289.000 Abonnenten
Thanks10.594 Aufrufe 21.02.2023 #DIPodcastNetworkJoin this channel to get access to perks:… Mike Olsen died and went to Heaven during a lung transplant operation and met his organ donor before God sent him back into his body. He recently spent a couple of days at the Asbury Revival and he says Heaven is there. In this interview, Mike recounts all of what he encountered at the Asbury Revival. For more on Mike’s time in Heaven, check out Randy Kay and Shaun Tabatt’s book Real Near Death Experienced | Subscribe to The Shaun Tabatt Show | ►Apple Podcasts | ►Spotify | ►YouTube |
🔥 REVIVAL HAS HIT AUSTRALIA (40+ Hours & STILL GOING) – Fire Church Sushine Coast
WorshipStation29.400 Abonnenten
Thanks25.948 Aufrufe 20.02.2023 #australiarevival#worship#revival#australiarevival#worship#revival#praise Church: Fire Church Sunshine Coast – 70 Sandalwood Lane Forest Glen, QLD, Australia 4556 Something is stirring around the world! Not just in America….other countries are starting to catch on fire! LET THE FIRE SPREAD! Love to see all these young people dancing in the joy and freedom of the Lord! LET THE FIRE OUT!!!!!!
Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #12 !!
LoveRevival Tv4390 Abonnenten
Thanks9.610 Aufrufe Live übertragen am 19.02.2023People are getting touch watching this pre-recorded video from the Asbury revival in Kentucky, USA. Please comment on what God is doing for you!
CBN News878.000 Abonnenten
Thanks147.081 Aufrufe 14.02.2023 #christiannews#christian#cbnnews
As the historic revival at Asbury University stretches into its sixth day, one pastor says the Holy Spirit is now moving in a big way on another college campus. Rob Fultz, campus pastor Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee, said revival also started breaking out at his school Monday, with around eight students starting a prayer that ignited a movement.
“They were actually talking about the Asbury revival,” he said of these students. “And one of the students asked the professor, ‘Why not here? And why not now? Can we go to the chapel right now and pray for revival on our campus?'” The group did just that — and the results were incredible.”It’s been rolling since 9 o’clock [Monday] morning. And the spirit of God is moving,” Fultz said.
“We’ve seen salvation, deliverance, healing over the last 24 hours.” He continued, “It’s just been a phenomenal, humbling, incredibly delicate move of God.” Fultz said he was on campus until 4 a.m., worshipping with the students until other leaders came to relieve him. Outside churches and faculty have also participated, with some donating hundreds of water bottles and snacks for the students who are taking part.
The preacher, who is in his fifth year as campus minister at Lee, said he hasn’t seen anything like this during his time there, though he noted a revival broke out on campus in the 1970s just weeks after Asbury also experienced one of its most famous revivals. Once again, spiritual activity at Asbury seems to be sparking a chain reaction on other campuses. Fultz believes the nest big cultural revival will come through the current generation.
This is something that God really impressed on my heart for this generation: The greatest revival in human history will come in this generation,” he said. “It may not look like anything that we’ve ever seen before, but it will happen.” He believes the events unfolding at Asbury and Lee are the result of “a pure hunger for a true encounter with Jesus.”
Considering the struggles in contemporary culture, Fultz believes young people are looking for something more genuine and dynamic. “But this generation, I think … the weight that they’re carrying is demanding something way more authentic, something way more real,” he said. “And I really believe it’s that hunger for holiness —
that hunger for a true encounter with a divine God is really what’s driving their hearts and their passion to really just keep pursuing Him.” Fultz said he’s not sure what will happen next but that the spirit of revival is already hitting other college campuses. “I don’t think these are isolated moments at all, because I do believe that this generation is going to see it,” he said.
“I believe they’re gonna see Jesus move in undeniable, unbelievable ways.” Download the free CBN News App:
CBN News878.000 Abonnenten
Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #10 !! Line Stretches Half a Mile as Revival is on Display at Asbury: ‘Very Healing Experience’
Thanks154.418 Aufrufe 17.02.2023 #christiannews#cbnnews#christian
WILMORE, Kentucky – The revival at Asbury University is now in its 10th day as thousands of people continue to make the spiritual pilgrimage to this town in hopes of encountering more of God. The revival is now officially in overflow mode with the line of people to get inside stretching nearly a half mile long. CBN News spoke with folks from all over the country who were waiting patiently to get into Hughes Auditorium here at Asbury so they can experience revival for themselves. Andrew Hager of Lexington, Kentucky said, “God is here! God is here and He’s working right now, come and get you some, you hear me.” Read the full story from CBN’s Wendy Griffith:…
The Gospel of Christ393.000 Abonnenten
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Asbury Revival 2023 – Day #9 !! You Wouldn’t Believe If This Was Not Recorded!!
Thanks13.758 Aufrufe 17.02.2023
You wouldn’t believe it if this was not recorded Something biblical is happening in America with the Asbury Revival, John MacArthur If you find The Gospel of Christ videos helpful please consider subscribing by clicking the link below:… ** I upload two videos a week MONDAY/WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 9:30am Eastern Time* Consider supporting our ministry on of two ways (click links below): Become a Patreon Member:… Buy me a coffee here:… Follow our Facebook Page: