Nate The Lawyer286.000 Abonnenten
Thanks2.175.581 Aufrufe 31.03.2023
A Canadian powerlifter, Avi Silverberg, has set a new record in a women’s competition, breaking the previous record set by a trans athlete, Anne Andres. Silverberg entered the competition, held in Lethbridge, Alberta, as a female athlete, despite being a man with a full beard. Join Me On The Journey To 1M Subscribers. 💖 Become a Channel Member for Perks and Specials 💖 | / @natethelawyer
UFC Fighter Holly Holm GOES OFF On LGBTQ Agenda, Sexualization of Children
The Officer Tatum2,27 Mio. Abonnenten
Thanks628.346 Aufrufe 28.03.2023UFC Fighter Holly Holm called for the end of the sexualization of children on Saturday after defeating Yana Santos via unanimous decision. NEW MERCH DROP IS NOW LIVE!
(J)Uganda banns Woke-Agenda! – (dw)Uganda kriminalisiert Homosexualität und Gender außerhalb von Mann und Frau | DW Nachrichten
DW Deutsch856.000 Abonnenten
Speichern7.183 Aufrufe 21.03.2023 #lgbtq#uganda#homosexualität
Bis zu 10 Jahre Haft für Menschen mit queerer sexueller Orientierung – in Uganda will die Regierung die an sich schon strenge Gesetzgebung weiter verschärfen und Homosexualität und öffentlich gezeigte Zugehörigkeit zur LGBTQ+-Community verbieten. Polizei und Justiz führen bereits regelmäßig Verhaftungen durch. Die Gesetzesänderung dürfte noch mehr Hass auf Andersliebende schüren, befürchten ugandische Menschenrechtsaktivisten und Betroffene. DW Deutsch Abonnieren:…#uganda#lgbtq#homosexualität Mehr Nachrichten unter: DW in den Sozialen Medien: ►Facebook: ►Twitter: ►Instagram:
Jordan Peterson Destroys Woke Professor’s Theory of Existence
Jordan Peterson Notes119.000 Abonnenten
Speichern2.487.521 Aufrufe 11.05.2022
In this video Dr Jordan B Peterson expresses his concern about influential people demoralising the youth and how catastrophic its impact could be. Subscribe for more videos like this. ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ➤➤Speaker: Jordan Peterson Website: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
The Speech That Every WOKE Person Needs To Hear | Comedian WRECKS Woke SJWs
Millionaire Mentor212.000 Abonnenten
Clip445.341 Aufrufe 27.02.2023
A comedian’s powerful speech on wokeness and social justice warriors at the Oxford Union leaves the audience speechless. Konstantin Kisin argues that the woke movement is eroding free speech, creating division, and promoting a culture of victimhood.
He calls for a return to reason, individual responsibility, and an acceptance of different perspectives. His speech is met with applause and cheers from the audience, with many nodding in agreement. The video has gained widespread attention and sparked a debate on the impact of woke culture on society.
What Jordan Peterson Said About Justin Trudeau SHOCKED Everyone: • What Jordan Peter…
Woke Politicians Teamup Against Jordan Peterson But Get OWNED Immediately: • Woke Politicians … Jordan Peterson STUMPED A Trans Activist With A Simple Question On Pronouns: • Jordan Peterson S…
Woke Student Tries to Frame and Cancel Jordan Peterson, gets DESTROYED Instantly!
Modern Wisdom18.900 Abonnenten
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Thanks1.528.615 Aufrufe 16.01.2023
Woke Student Tries to Frame and Cancel Jordan Peterson gets DESTROYED Instantly!
————————– Jordan Peterson debated some students at Oxford University. ———————