Fox News10,6 Mio. Abonnenten
Speichern729.531 Aufrufe 20.04.2023 #foxnews#tuckercarlson#tucker
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Political Director, Balazs Orban, explains why dozens of European Union countries are suing his country for passing a law that would prevent children from being sexualized on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ #foxnews#fox#tucker#tuckercarlson
Hungary Wins Long Stand Off With European Union | EU Forced to Step Back | Viktor Orban
Firstpost172.000 Abonnenten
Thanks140.536 Aufrufe 13.12.2022
#viktororban#ukraine#hungaryHungary Wins in Long Stand Off With European Union | EU Forced to Step Back | Viktor Orban It looks like we finally have a winner in Hungary vs European Union faceoff – it is Hungary! Brussels’ strategy to merely oppose the Viktor Orban-led nation on ideological grounds under the garb of democratic backsliding has failed. The heated confrontation between Budapest and Brussels had been going on for a few months with neither side refusing to step back. And now Orban has emerged as the clear winner —- Hungary | European Union | Hungary EU | Europe | Viktor Orban | Hungary Aid | EU Ukraine Aid | Latest News | Firstpost #hungary#europe#europeanunion#viktororban#eu#ukraine#ukraineaid#latestnews#firstpost | n18oc_world