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Why Christianity is Booming in Iran (Even Under the Islamic Regime) || Documentary Series Pt. 1
Radical35.600 Abonnenten
Clip91.202 Aufrufe 25.04.2023
Iran is one of only three Islamic Republics in the world. And when you get down to it, you can see how it doesn’t actually function like a republic… but here’s why this matters. For the last 40 years, politics and religion in Iran have been one and the same. It’s the Islamic Republic of Iran.
So the main religion is Islam. So you can’t have any other religion other than Islam. So when you are born in Iran, you are told you are Muslim. You have to practice Islam and that’s your religion by birth. Islam is not a choice, it’s what you’re forcibly born into, and in people’s minds: the rules of the government and the rules of Islam are the same thing. There is no separation between the church and state.
This Is Why You Never MESS With a Child of God… – Voddie Baucham
The Gospel of Christ484.000 Abonnenten
Thanks85.730 Aufrufe 12.05.2023
This is why you never mess with a child of God, Voddie Baucham. I was shocked to see how this nation is controlled by a protected class that dictates what “truth” is according to them. But God already tells us what truth is in His word. With Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur, and John Henry. If you find The Gospel of Christ videos helpful please consider subscribing by clicking the link below: / thegospelofchrist…
Ex-Psychic Sounds Alarm Over Bizarre ‘Ouija’ Tool Pledging to Connect People to Holy Spirit, Jesus
CBN News1,02 Mio. Abonnenten
Thanks119.720 Aufrufe 02.05.2023 #christian#christianity#cbnnews
A new “talking board” has sparked a litany of headlines and warnings from faith leaders. Such occultic tools — the most prominent of which is the Ouija board — are used by some to try and summon the dead. Many believe these boards are mere fun and games, but Christian experts like ex-psychic Jenn Nizza warn of the spiritual dangers implicit in playing with the Ouija board and other tools like it.
The new talking board, though, is even more disturbing, as it promises something different: it pledges to connect Christians to the Holy Spirit and Jesus. While it’s unclear whether the board is an elaborate effort to troll Christians or a ploy to jump on the Ouija bandwagon to bring in cash, Nizza believes there are reasons to be alert and concerned, sounding the alarm more generally on any attempt to communicate with spirits through boards or other devices.
“When [the new board] was brought to my attention, I was brokenhearted, of course,” Nizza told “Billy Hallowell’s Playing With Fire Podcast.” “I felt I immediately needed to sound the alarm on the actual danger of this product, because, although it’s marketed as a joke and a game just like the Ouija board is … it’s not at all a game or joke.” Listen to Nizza share the dangers of divination.
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Disturbing and Symbolic Things You Missed at The Coronation…
The Gospel of Christ480.000 Abonnenten
Thanks78.296 Aufrufe 08.05.2023Disturbing and symbolic things you missed at the coronation. I was shocked to see some disturbing and symbolic things at the coronation which most people might have missed. If you find The Gospel of Christ videos helpful please consider subscribing by clicking the link below: / thegospelofchrist…
Money, Jesuits, & Occultism in the Catholic Church: Leo Zagami on the FAR OUT WITH FAUST Podcast
Clip220 Aufrufe Premiere vor 6 Stunden.Friday, April 14, 2023
Freemason and author of tell-all books exposing secret societies — from the Illuminati to the Jesuits — Leo Lyon Zagami participates to episode 102 of the Far Out with Faust podcast. Source:…
Support us and GET Leo Zagami’s latest book ‘Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 8: From the Rise of the Antichrist To the Sound of the Devil and the Great Reset’ OUT NOW:…
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AND ON BITCHUTE:… VOL. 8 synopsis: Movies and music are two sensorial experiences capable of exerting profound suggestions on the masses and on single individuals. The first is described as cinematic magic and the second is often depicted as the sound of the Devil. They are the instruments of propaganda in the hands of restricted circles of initiates controlled by the Illuminati elite, who want to succeed in their perverse and diabolical plan using these tools. Zagami reveals for the first time the secret mission of Hollywood, which was created to change society and prepare the way for the coming Antichrist and the End times.
In the following pages, you will find a unique vision of show business that will astound even the most demanding readers and debunkers thanks to the incredible amount of well-researched information, as well as the personal testimony of the author, who was involved in the entertainment industry through his own work as a record producer and his family connections to film directors like Fellini and Zeffirelli. You will learn about not only the diabolic roots of contemporary music but also how the Sabbatean-Frankist Messianic conspiracy landed in Hollywood amongst occult rituals and the first silent films, all linked from the very beginning to the U.S. Military Industrial Complex and the Global Banking Cartel, that has transformed the original American dream into a Satanic “woke” nightmare under the precepts of the Prophet of dissolution, Aleister Crowley.
For Information, contact: Support the show and get also Leo’s book “Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject” and all the other ones available on Amazon:…
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And get “Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66: The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics”:…
Act of God? Who toppled Georgia’s Mysterious standing stones?
Granite megaliths with cryptic inscriptions drew 20,000 visitors a year and inspired a Yoko Ono song but riled some on far right

Coral Murphy Marcos and Chris MichaelThu 7 Jul 2022 20.18 BST
Aday after vandals destroyed the controversial monument in Georgia dubbed “America’s Stonehenge” and considered “satanic” by some members of the far right, questions continue to swirl about how it became a flashpoint for violence.

The Georgia bureau of investigation, which is dealing with the case along with the Elbert county sheriff’s office, said that unknown individuals detonated an explosive device at the Georgia Guidestones granite monument in Elberton at around 4am on Wednesday, destroying a large part of the structure.
The 19ft monument was later completely demolished by local authorities for safety reasons. No one was injured during the incident.
The state’s explosive ordnance disposal unit is conducting an investigation of the site, and investigators released surveillance video that showed the explosion as well as a car speeding away shortly afterward.
The structure, which was built in 1979, had long drawn curious visitors from around the world because of its unique design and cryptic messages. It was made of six granite slabs – a central monolith flanked by four others and topped with a capstone – weighing a total of more than 100 tonnes. Holes in the pillars were aligned with the Pole Star and the Sun’s solstice and equinox, and one aperture allowed a ray of sun to pass through at noon each day to indicate the day of the year.

On it were also inscribed 10 elliptical messages in several languages, including Spanish, Russian and Hebrew. They included “Maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature” and “Balance personal rights with social duties”.
The somewhat bizarre precepts sparked a certain esoteric interest. In 1993, Yoko Ono wrote a song called Georgia Stone for a John Cage tribute album in which she paraphrased the 10th message in a chant, “Be not a cancer on Earth – leave room for nature – leave room for nature”.
It also attracted controversy, notably from the former Republican candidate for governor Kandiss Taylor, who called it “satanic” and campaigned on a promise to obliterate it.
On Wednesday, Taylor suggested the vandalism was an act of God. “God is God all by Himself. He can do ANYTHING He wants to do. That includes striking down Satanic Guidestones,” she tweeted.
The structure already had a history of being vandalized, said Christopher Kubas, executive vice-president of the Elberton Granite Association.
“Some people didn’t like the wording that was on it,” Kubas said. “But there were a lot of people that enjoyed the monument, and were able to look past the wording and see it for what it was: as a really immense granite structure and basically as a work of art.”
The Elbert County Chamber of Commerce calls it “probably the most unusual monument ever produced in the Elberton area”, in part because of its origins: it was built by a man going by the pseudonym Robert C Christian, who approached the Elbert Granite Finishing Company to build a monument intended to “leave a message for future generations”.

Christian said he represented a “small group of loyal Americans who believe in God” and who preferred to remain anonymous. He claimed to have revealed his real name to the president of the Granite City Bank, which held the group’s money until the Georgia Guidestones were completed and said it would not reveal his real identity.
“I thought it was totally crazy and didn’t make any sense,” said Tom Oglesby, who was president of the Elberton Granite Association when the structure was built, in a 2012 documentary about the Georgia Guidestones. “The story behind it was what never really made sense.”
It certainly helped attract tourists: more than 20,000 visited every year, according to Kubas; many residents believe the structure was only made to attract tourists.
Others, however, claimed to have seen individuals in hooded robes visiting the monument late at night, and there were reports of animal carcasses in the area.
“Whatever your personal opinion on the Guidestones is, this attack is bad for our community,” the Elbert County Chamber of Commerce said in a Facebook post. “We hope that whomever [sic] is responsible is apprehended and brought to justice.”
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