Author Archiv: J. Gouvernante

Blinken: G7 alignment on China increasingly strong | Latest World News | WION

WION7,01 Mio. Abonnenten 3.136 Aufrufe 05.11.2022US is once again urging its western partners to firm up their stance against China. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in a later statement has said that the group of seven countries also called the G7 is clear-eyed about the need to align their approach on China.

Van Houwelingen (FVD): Dit is een globalistische machtsgreep!

Forum voor Democratie157.000 Abonnenten 69.052 Aufrufe 23.03.2022Deze week worden in Brussel voorstellen besproken die de Nederlandse soevereiniteit extreem zullen inperken: – WHO-pandemieverdrag – EU-leger Pepijn van Houwelingen legt uit waarom FVD fel tegenstander is van deze globalistische plannen.

Geniaal! Baudet legt FALEND financieel systeem bloot tijdens inflatiedebat | FVD

Forum voor Democratie157.000 Abonnenten 45.296 Aufrufe 01.11.2022Meer ‘gratis geld’ van de overheid gaat onze problemen niet oplossen. Inflatie en koopkrachtverlies zijn inherent aan ons financiële systeem. Het is tijd voor een fundamentele herziening van ons monetaire beleid: uit de euro, uit de EU. Word lid:

Vaccineren ondanks ernstige bijwerkingen? – Van Houwelingen (FVD) confronteert Kuipers

Forum voor Democratie157.000 Abonnenten 37.617 Aufrufe 01.11.2022Er komt steeds meer zorgwekkende informatie naar buiten over de bijwerkingen van de coronavaccins. Desondanks wil minister Kuipers de vaccinatiecampagne deze winter voortzetten. Onverantwoord, vindt Pepijn van Houwelingen. Word lid:

Van Meijeren rekent af met stikstofleugens van kabinet | FVD

Forum voor Democratie157.000 Abonnenten 27.443 Aufrufe 03.11.2022Men begint te beseffen dat het stikstofbeleid helemaal niet draait om natuurbehoud, maar om boerengrond. Zo schreef oud-minister Plasterk in de Telegraaf: “Stikstof als smoesje voor een ander doel.” FVD krijgt wéér gelijk. En nu: stikstofbeleid z.s.m. van tafel! Word lid:

Forum Inside #5: Tinder, Woke-Propaganda en Kijkersvragen over Andrew Tate

Forum voor Democratie157.000 Abonnenten 68.638 Aufrufe Premiere am 31.10.2022In deze aflevering van Forum Inside presenteert Sid Lukkassen zijn intrigerende boek ‘Wees Afgrondelijk’, geeft Ralf een kijkje in de wereld van hedendaagse kinderboeken, wordt er gediscussieerd over de functionaliteiten van dating-app Tinder en denken de heren na over het einde van de oorlog.

Gulf Coast Homesteader Meet Up October 28 and 29 2022

Robert Breaker601.000 Abonnenten 6.782 Aufrufe 29.10.2022I visit the 2nd Annual Gulf Coast Homesteader Meet-Up on October 28th and 29th of 2022, in Milton, Florida, at the Santa Rosa County Fairgrounds. This video is what I saw, and the extraordinary people I met!

Gravitas: Why did Biden lose his temper on Zelensky?

WION7,01 Mio. Abonnenten 368.207 Aufrufe 01.11.2022Why did Joe Biden lose his temper on Zelensky? A new report claims that in June 2022 President Biden told the Ukrainian President to be grateful & show some gratitude for the help he was getting. Why? Watch this report by Priyanka Sharma to find out.


Alaska Prepper190.000 Abonnenten Mitglied werden 30.894 Aufrufe 03.11.2022WHEN THIS BOMB EXPLODES IT WILL BE FELT WORLDWIDE – ARE YOU PREPARED?

US & South Korea Issue Stern Warning To Kim Jon Un After North Korea Fires Suspected ICBM

CRUX1,61 Mio. Abonnenten 17.045 Aufrufe 04.11.2022The US and South Korea have jointly warned North Korea against using any kind of nuclear weapon against Seoul or other regional allies. Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin warned that Pyongyang’s use of nukes would result in the end of Kim Jong Un’s regime. Pyongyang has continued to rattle the peninsula with […]


Canadian Prepper878.000 Abonnenten 91.316 Aufrufe 04.11.2022One of the biggest hedge funds just issued a DIRE WARNING! Hyperinflation, conflict spreading, weather woes, its all falling apart so enjoy it while it last! STOCK UP ON FOOD/ THE GOLD STANDARD IN FREEZE DRIED )Use discount code SURVIVALPREPPER for 10% off

FARMING Insider WARNING of Coming Beef Shortage

Poplar Preparedness70.800 Abonnenten Mitglied werden 24.538 Aufrufe 03.11.2022Thanks so much to Merit for sitting down with me to talk about part shortages and issues within the cattle business. Genesis Gold Group Jonathan – 1-800-200-4653 Sign-Up For My Newsletter | “The Poplar Report”

A Million More Egg Layers Slaughtered | Food Inflation

Poplar Preparedness70.800 Abonnenten 40.688 Aufrufe 02.11.2022USDA emptying our shelves one massive farm at a time and farmers are caught in the crossfire. Millions of egg laying Chickens culled for bird flu leading to empty shelves and out of control food inflation . Genesis Gold Group Jonathan – 1-800-200-4653

(eugenik propaganda) Zurück ins Mittelalter: Die neue deutsche Front der radikalen Abtreibungsgegner | SPIEGEL TV

DER SPIEGEL1,52 Mio. Abonnenten 482.541 Aufrufe 28.10.2022Mit Bet-Blockaden vor Beratungsstellen, Drohbotschaften gegen Ärztinnen, die Abbrüche durchführen und bösen Nachrichten an schwangere Frauen, die keine Mütter sein wollen, machen Abtreibungsgegner im Namen Gottes Stimmung gegen Ärzte und Betroffene. Wer steckt hinter diesem Feldzug?

Conspiracy theorist David Icke banned from Netherlands for Amsterdam rally

British conspiracy theorist David Icke has been barred from entering the Netherlands as a “risk to public order”, reported RTL Nieuws. He was scheduled to be the keynote speaker at a controversial rally this weekend in Amsterdam. Dutch immigration service IND consulted on the matter with the police and the National Coordinator for Security and […]

‘Vermeend antisemitisme David Icke overschaduwt vredesdemonstratie,’ stelt columnist Ab Gietelink

BLCKBX155.000 Abonnenten 13.792 Aufrufe 03.11.2022Bekijk de column via:… De vredesdemonstratie van 6 november in Amsterdam dreigt ondergesneeuwd te raken doordat spreker David Icke beschuldigd wordt van antisemitisme. ‘Laten de media zich afleiden door ongegronde aantijgingen?’ vraagt columnist Ab Gietelink zich af. Icke is een wereldberoemde auteur en begenadigd spreker met scherpe kritiek op de […]

North Korea: Pyongyang fires suspected ICBM

Share Related Topics By Tessa Wong in Seoul and Yvette Tan in Singapore BBC News North Korea fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on Thursday but it failed mid-flight, say the South Korean military. The ICBM launch is Pyongyang’s seventh this year, and comes amid concerns that it will soon test a nuclear weapon. It […]

Saudi Arabia, U.S. on High Alert After Warning of Imminent Iranian Attack!!

Saudis said Tehran wants to distract from local protests, and the National Security Council said the U.S. is prepared to respond By  Dion NissenbaumFollow Updated Nov. 1, 2022 4:47 pm ET Saudi Arabia has shared intelligence with the U.S. warning of an imminent attack from Iran on targets in the kingdom, putting the American military and others […]

Norway puts military on raised alert over Ukraine war fears

Move comes as Russian President Vladimir Putin says his country’s partial mobilisation is now complete Tim Kiek Oct 31, 2022 Listen In English Listen in Arabic Beta V.1.0 – Powered by automated translation Norway will put its military on a raised level of alert from Tuesday, moving more personnel on to operational duties and enhancing the […]

Putin’s Weapons Directive, Ukraine “Downs Missiles”, North Korea Covertly Sending Shells to Russia?

CRUX1,61 Mio. Abonnenten 44.365 Aufrufe 02.11.2022Ukraine claims that its capital city Kyiv was targeted by more drone attacks overnight on November 2. Ukrainian official Andriy Yermak said that 12 of the 13 drones that were launched toward Kyiv were shot down. Yermak added that Russia is planning to import ballistic missiles from Iran for its war […]

George Orwell, Aldous Huxley | Doku HD | ARTE

ARTEde1,65 Mio. Abonnenten 675.549 Aufrufe 10.10.2022George Orwell und Aldous Huxley – zwei visionäre Science-Fiction-Autoren, deren Lebenswege sich bereits in jungen Jahren kreuzten. Die vor mehr als 70 Jahren erschienen Meisterwerke “Schöne neue Welt” und “1984” sind gerade heute wieder brandaktuell, in Zeiten von alternativen Fakten, Fake News und ständiger Überwachung. Datenspeicherung, Fake News, Designerbabys, der massive […]

The elite that has taken almost all the money is now after everything else as well | Neil Oliver

GBNews586.000 Abonnenten 312.575 Aufrufe 23.07.2022Watch on TV: Freeview 236, Sky 515, Virgin 626 Listen on DAB+ Radio Download the GB News App to watch live wherever you are, catch up with all our shows and get the latest news from the GBN family. Don’t forget to follow us on social media too!

Items You NEED NOW Before It’s To Late | How To Prepare For The Grid Collapse

The Mac’s155.000 Abonnenten 401.162 Aufrufe 16.06.2022Hey y’all! We hear the rumblings of The Grid being weak and not sustainable.. it’s time to talk about what we need to help ourselves go through blackouts, emp or grid collapse #thegrid#collapse#themacs#foodshortage#survival#prepper#prepping

How To SURVIVE & THRIVE In The Upcoming Financial Crisis! (PREPARE NOW) | Ray Dalio

Tom Bilyeu3,1 Mio. Abonnenten 1.445.225 Aufrufe 22.09.2022Build IRONCLAD discipline in this FREE workshop: On Today’s Episode: The principles you live your life by will either reward you with a life you enjoy living or lead you to a life you want to escape. Whether you consciously choose your principles or operate subconsciously on your default […]

The Housing Market ‘Is Crashing,’ Says KPMG Chief Economist

NBC News7,18 Mio. Abonnenten 443.624 Aufrufe 21.10.2022With 19 days until the elections, voters are concerned around the economic landscape. CNBC Senior Economics Report Steve Liesman and KPMG Chief Economist Diane Swonk discuss the state of the economy and concerns about a looming recession.

Gravitas LIVE: The Korean conflict: North Korea fires 23 missiles | Latest English News | WION

WION7 Mio. Abonnenten 10.118 Aufrufe vor 58 Minuten gestreamt Gravitas LIVE: The Korean conflict: North Korea fires 23 missiles | Latest English News | WION

North Korea demands the U.S., South Korea halt joint military drills

Reuters WASHINGTON, Oct 31 (Reuters) – North Korea on Monday demanded that the United States and South Korea stop large-scale military exercises, calling them a provocation that may draw “more powerful follow-up measures” from Pyongyang. “The situation in the Korean Peninsula and its vicinity has entered the serious confrontation phase of power for power again […]

US, South Korea kick off biggest military drills in years

Joint drills are the biggest since 2017 and come after N Korea rebuffed Seoul’s offer of economic aid in return for denuclearisation. Published On 22 Aug 202222 Aug 2022 South Korea and the United States have launched their largest joint military drills in years, officials said, as the allies seek to tighten readiness over North […]