hard2hurt515.000 Abonnenten Thanks290.169 Aufrufe 22.04.2023Check out the Umarex T4E HDX at https://amzn.to/41yFPwI Definitely NOT rubber rounds: https://amzn.to/3H69VPM Pepperball Live-X rounds: https://amzn.to/3V0HLLO https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/sec-tactical-shop/
Täglicher Archiv: shtf
STOKERMATIC53.100 Abonnenten Mitglied werden Thanks66.383 Aufrufe 04.06.2023 SHTF comes in a variety of forms – from natural disasters to civil unrest. Location is everything. Understand the hazards you face of where you live and the risks associated with the decisions you make. Take stock of you have about you – if stores were closed, how […]
AlaskaGranny149.000 Abonnenten Clip37.525 Aufrufe 09.04.2023 Can FEMA Seize Your Food Take Prepping Supplies Portable Toilet https://amzn.to/3iBob7H Does FEMA Have The Power To Confiscate your personal prepping food and supplies? Here is a list of Executive Orders that have been signed into law over decades in this nation. FEMA has been granted executive powers in the […]
Aktuelle Konflikten 1 : Nato vs. Rusland, Aktuelle Konflikten 2 : China vs. Taiwan, Aktuelle Konflikten 3 : Israel vs. Iran, Aktuelle Konflikten 4 : Nord Korea vs. Süd Korea, Aktuelle Konflikten 5 : Nato vs. China, Aktuelle Konflikten 6 : Polen vs. Rusland, Aktuelle Konflikten 7 : Deutschland vs. Rusland, Aktuelle Konflikten 8 : Usa vs. China, Aktuelle Konflikten 9 : N.Korea vs. Usa, Breaking News, Moral attack, Newsletter, Prepping, SHTF, Volksunterdrückung # 23 : Eugenik : Kriegs Förderung, Volksunterdrückung # 24 : Organisiertes Unmoral / Politische Lüge, Volksunterdrückung # 25 : Gekaufte oder Erpresste Politiker, Volksunterdrückung #22 : Konflikten Kreieren, Weltretten, WW3 NEWS
Big Suprise is Coming…
Canadian Prepper922.000 Abonnenten Thanks84.051 Aufrufe 03.02.2023 CANADIAN PREPPERS STORE / Premium Survival/ Emergency Equipment https://canadianpreparedness.com/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/b-o-b-bug-out-bags/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/b-o-v-bug-out-vehicles/ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/schermbecker-survival-store-de/
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