Täglicher Archiv: #survival

10 Simple Military Survival Hacks Anyone Can Do!

Ranger Survival and Field Craft165.000 Abonnenten Speichern75.752 Aufrufe 24.09.2023 #survivalkit#preppy#paracord Learn 10 Simple Military Survival Hacks YOU CAN DO! #survival#bushcraft#survive#preppy#preparation#prepper#gear#kit#military#infantry#soldier#paracord#survivalkit#map#navigation#mountains#signal#airborne#ranger#medical#firstaid#camelbak#filter#compass#escape#evade https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/buc/page/3/

New Earthships capture more energy, water & food at lower cost

Kirsten Dirksen1,86 Mio. Abonnenten Clip1.980.045 Aufrufe 13.07.2020 With walls made from old tires packed with earth, as well as upcycled glass bottles and cans, Earthships have always been built with mainly found materials. The home provides its own energy (with photovoltaics and passive solar and geothermal tubes), water (rainwater and even dew-water capture) and grows food […]