. Ukraine has slammed the upcoming votes as fake attempt to legitimize Russia’s invasion and slammed the prospect of “sham” ballots.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on Russian producers of military equipment to up their production and supplies to Russian troops. Putin was also set to give a major speech to the country on Tuesday — only to later postpone it until Wednesday without explanation.

Meanwhile, speaking at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Putin needs to recognize that he can’t win the war, according to a report from Reuters.

“This is why we will not accept any peace dictated by Russia, and this is why Ukraine must be able to fend off Russia’s attack,” the chancellor said, Reuters quoted Scholz as saying.

Germany has contributed significant assistance to Ukraine but has been criticized for not giving the country more of its advanced weaponry.

The war “isn’t going too well” for Russia, U.S. Army Gen. Mark Milley said from Poland, adding that this could make Moscow’s reactions less certain and that U.S. forces in Europe need to maintain alertness.


Germany’s Chancellor says Putin must recognize he can’t win in Ukraine

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) addresses the delegates in the general debate at the 77th General Assembly of the U.N. The main topic of the General Assembly is the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) addresses the delegates in the general debate at the 77th General Assembly of the U.N. The main topic of the General Assembly is the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine.

Michael Kappeler | dpa | Picture Alliance | Getty Images

Russian President Vladimir Putin will only give up his “imperial ambitions” that risk destroying Ukraine and Russia if he recognizes he cannot win the war, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Tuesday.

“This is why we will not accept any peace dictated by Russia and this is why Ukraine must be able to fend off Russia’s attack,” Scholz said in his first address to the United Nations General Assembly.

The return of imperialism, with Putin’s war on Ukraine, was not just a disaster for Europe but for the global, rules-based peace order, the chancellor said. He called on the U.N. to defend this from those who would prefer a world where the “strong rule the weak”.

“Do we watch helpless as some want to catapult us back into a world order where war is a common means of politics, independent nations must join their stronger neighbors or colonial masters, and prosperity and human rights are a privilege for the lucky few?” Scholz asked.


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