Author Archiv: J. Gouvernante

Anti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to 8,600 elderly patients with saltwater instead of Covid vaccine walks FREE from court in Germany

By CHRISTIAN OLIVER FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 14:23 GMT, 1 December 2022 | UPDATED: 15:17 GMT, 1 December 2022 6.4kshares 120 View comments An anti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to 8,600 elderly people with saline solution instead of a Covid-19 vaccine has walked free from court. Red Cross nurse Antje T, 39, jabbed thousands of elderly patients at a vaccine centre in Germany with what […]

Experten weisen AfD-Darstellung zu Todesfall-Anstieg zurück

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) -Experten der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigungen haben eine Datenanalyse der AfD-Fraktion zu einem vermeintlich deutlichen Anstieg von plötzlichen Todesfällen zum Jahresbeginn 2021 zurückgewiesen. Die Aufregung entbehre jeder Grundlage, teilte der Vorstandsvorsitzende des Zentralinstituts für die kassenärztliche Versorgung (ZI), Dominik von Stillfried, am Dienstag mit. Die gesamten vertragsärztlichen Abrechnungsdaten der Jahre 2012 bis 2022 zeigten keine […]

Gravitas: China stares at 3 Covid waves in 3 months

WION7,17 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern293.095 Aufrufe 19.12.2022 #WuhanVirus#gravitas#china A #WuhanVirus tsunami has engulfed China. The country’s top doctor has predicted 3 Covid waves in 3 months. Is Xi Jinping caught in his own trap? Will China infect the world once again? #covid#china#gravitas

Gravitas: Wuhan Virus: Is a new wave coming?

WION7,17 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern403.335 Aufrufe 20.12.2022 #WuhanVirus#wion#china Is a new wave of the #WuhanVirus coming? Experts say China’s covid surge could infect 10% of the earth’s population. American scientists are worried about new variants. Should we prepare? Here’s what Priyanka Sharma has to say. #china#covid#wion

Gravitas: New COVID strain makes its way to India

WION7,17 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern52.733 Aufrufe 18.10.2022 #Omicron#Covid#IndiaThe Omicron sub-variant BQ.1 has been detected in India. This comes just as India’s festive season begins. What is this new variant? What can be done to tackle the continuing mutations of the COVID virus? #Omicron#Covid#India

(Propaganda) People who skipped their COVID vaccine are at higher risk of traffic accidents, according to a new study

BYERIN PRATER December 13, 2022 at 7:31 PM GMT+1 GETTY IMAGES If you passed on getting the COVID vaccine, you might be a lot more likely to get into a car crash.  Or at least those are the findings of a new study published this month in The American Journal of Medicine. During the summer of 2021, Canadian researchers examined […]

Large Grain Fire & Other Food Shortage & Empty Shelves Update

Poplar Preparedness74.800 Abonnenten Thanks649 Aufrufe 26.12.2022 #emptyshelves#Foodshortages#Inflation Lots of news updates from folks all around the world on food shortages and empty shelves. Keep your reports coming to help others prepare for the food shortage. Genesis Gold Group | Jonathan – 1-800-200-4653

The Preppers Were Right…

Canadian Prepper894.000 Abonnenten Thanks129.372 Aufrufe 25.12.2022 The preppers were right in 2022 and 2023 will be no different. Merry Xmas and a Happy New year!

China claims Taiwan as its own territory | World News | International News | English News | WION

WION7,17 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern31.490 Aufrufe 26.12.2022 #china#taiwan#wion Seventy-one Chinese air force aircraft including fighter jets and drones entered Taiwan’s air defence identification zone in the past 24 hours. This is the largest reported incursion to date. Watch further to know more. #china#taiwan#wion

Mehr als 30 Tote durch Wintersturm in den USA an Weihnachten

faz218.000 Abonnenten Speichern2.910 Aufrufe 26.12.2022 Durch den heftigen Sturm in den Vereinigten Staaten sind bisher mehr als 30 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. In Buffalo im US-Bundesstaat New York konnten Rettungsdienste einige Bezirke nicht erreichen. Zahlreiche Menschen sitzen in ihren von Eis und Schnee bedeckten Häusern fest. © AFP, REUTERS

Dekker weerlegt OORLOGSRETORIEK in debat over militairen in Irak | FVD

Forum voor Democratie158.000 Abonnenten Speichern7.851 Aufrufe 22.12.2022 “Irak is een wespennest, waar het Westen veel meer kwaad dan goed heeft gedaan. Al tientallen jaren lang.” Ralf Dekker houdt een betoog tegen de westerse regime change oorlogen in het Midden-Oosten en vraagt om een terechte ‘mea culpa’ van de regering. Word lid: ► NIEUWSBRIEF: […]

Fleur Agema: Hugo de Jonge heeft als een maffia-baas mensen BANG gemaakt & onder DRUK gezet!

KafkaNL47.800 Abonnenten Clip6.707 Aufrufe 22.12.2022 Fleur Agema: Hugo de Jonge heeft mensen B@NG gemaakt & onder DRUK gezet!

Oppositie woest op kabinet: ‘Het is net de maffia!’

Omroep PowNed492.000 Abonnenten Speichern60.221 Aufrufe 22.12.2022 #sarahbakker#pownewsHet mondkapjesdebat ontspoorde gister volledig in de Tweede Kamer. Een groot deel van de oppositie stapte woest op toen bleek dat de coalitie wéér weigerde een minister tot de orde te roepen. #pownews#sarahbakker#mondkapjesdebat 🚨 Steun PowNed, word lid: ⭐ Ontdek meer van PowNed op onze website en socials! […]

blckbx today: ‘Twitter zusteronderneming FBI’ | Stikstof EU-beleid? | Water aan de lippen bij boeren

BLCKBX158.000 Abonnenten Speichern19.974 Aufrufe Live übertragen am 21.12.2022 #116Bekijk de volledige uitzending van blckbx today #116 woensdag 21 december 2022 via:… Woensdag 21 december 2022 – Nadat afgelopen week deel 6 en 7 werden uitgebracht, werd gisterenavond deel 8 gepubliceerd van de Twitter files. De files geven inzicht over de invloed van het Amerikaanse […]

The Currency Reset Will Wipe Out Creditors and Usher in CBDCs. Part 1.

maneco6483.700 Abonnenten Thanks468.035 Aufrufe vor 4 Wochen #cbdc#reset#digitalcurrency kaplunkiiboy vor 4 Wochen (bearbeitet)If the lenders are forced to keep their assets (contracts) in old currency, and the borrowers allowed to convert their assets (cash) into new currency, then the logical outcome will simply be to raise interest rates on the loans to match the devaluation […]

US Debt Selloff Continues – (Get Hard Assets: Gold & Silver)

Smart Silver Stacker33.600 Abonnenten Thanks20.043 Aufrufe 20.12.2022 #goldstacking#silverstacking#silverWhat A Stock Market Crash Means For Silver Today (Paper VS Physical) ►… New data from the Treasury shows that foreign holders of US debt dumped more than $111 Billion worth of US Treasuries in October. The largest holder Japan was also the biggest seller, and China’s […]

Kremlin alleges US of waging ‘indirect war’ against Russia post-Zelensky visit | World News | WION

WION7,16 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern49.914 Aufrufe 22.12.2022 #wion#russia#zelenskyThe Russian government stated that the Patriot missile systems which will be supplied to Ukraine by the United States, as announced during a visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to Washington on Wednesday, will not contribute to settling the war between Kyiv and Moscow, and won’t stop Russia from achieving […]

‘Russia Did Not Blow Up Nord Stream,’ West Admits | Russia Ukraine War

Firstpost176.000 Abonnenten Thanks99.202 Aufrufe 22.12.2022 #ukraine#sabotage#nordstream‘Russia Did Not Blow Up Nord Stream,’ West Admits | Russia Ukraine War. The Nord Stream gas pipelines were blown up in September. That was the biggest act of sabotage the world has seen in a very long time. Russia’s biggest leverage over Europe were turned defunct due to the […]

War in Ukraine | Russia President: Sooner war ends, the better | Latest News | English News | WION

WION7,16 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern4.083 Aufrufe 23.12.2022 #Russia#Ukraine#PutinPresident Vladimir Putin said that Russia wants an end to the war in Ukraine and that this would inevitably involve a diplomatic solution. Putin made the comments a day after US President Joe Biden hosted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the White House. #Russia#Ukraine#Putin

Russia-Ukraine War: Putin addresses meeting of military chiefs, plans to use annexed Ukrainian ports

WION7,16 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern45.504 Aufrufe 21.12.2022 #ukraine#russia#worldnewsOn Wednesday, Kremlin said there is no chance of peace talks with Ukraine. Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin attended a meeting of Russia’s military Chief and spoke in a confident tone about Russia’s progress in Ukraine and the exhaustion of western military stocks. #russia#ukraine#worldnews


Full Spectrum Survival343.000 Abonnenten Thanks51.184 Aufrufe 22.12.2022 #breakingnews#ECONOMY#news#breakingnews#ECONOMY#news It has started! The USA and Nato allies have agreed to give Ukraine all the weapons and money that it needs to win against Russia. Either NATO wins and Russia falls or the whole world goes up in flames. The news is here because of members like […]


Canadian Prepper891.000 Abonnenten Thanks102.910 Aufrufe 22.12.2022 On the same day that Zeke gets red carpet rollout in washington, Putin gives military a blank cheque, deploys Sarmat 28 nuclear missiles and commits to full military mobilization. GET PEAK REFUEL HERE before the price hike (discount code SURVIVALPREPPER for 10% off)


Full Spectrum Survival343.000 Abonnenten Thanks53.466 Aufrufe 21.12.2022 #breakingnews#ECONOMY#news#breakingnews#ECONOMY#news Russian President Vladmir Putin has declared the sending of US Patriot Missile Systems an escalation toward Nato and American involvement and in other warnings has said that further escalations of this type will lead to world war 3. The news is here because of members like you! […]

Zelensky Reaches US, Putin To Hone Combat Readiness Of Nuclear Triad, Russia Hits Kherson 71 Times

CRUX1,65 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks42.053 Aufrufe 21.12.2022 #russiaukrainewar#zelenskyinus#worldnewsUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has landed in Washington on his first foreign trip since the war began. Meanwhile, the US announced an additional $1.85 bn in security assistance for Ukraine, including the first transfer of the Patriot missile defence system. Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to achieve all the […]

Russia jibes NATO as it dares Putin’s ‘friend’ Serbia with ‘war games’ in Kosovo | Details

Hindustan Times5,03 Mio. Abonnenten Clip86.508 Aufrufe 19.12.2022 #nato#putin#serbiaNATO pokes again amid heightened tension between Serbia and Kosovo. The bloc has announced a military exercise in Kosovo to ”guarantee freedom of movement in a crisis response situation,” weeks after violent clashes with Serbia. Russia, which considers Serbia as its ‘friend,’ has slammed Kosovo for escalating tensions. Moscow […]

KAMPF UM UKRAINE: “Krieg in Moskau angekommen” – Sorge vor Sabotage in Russland | WELT Hintergrund

WELT Nachrichtensender1,51 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern409.037 Aufrufe 15.12.2022 MOSKAUWELT Korrespondent Christoph Wanner berichtet für Euch aus Moskau. Im russischen Parlament der Duma wird eine drastische Verschärfung des Anti-Sabotagegesetzes beraten. Der Krieg scheint nun auch in Moskau angekommen zu sein, da in der letzten Zeit in Moskau und Umgebung vermehrt zu dubiosen Bränden gekommen ist. Die Sorge in […]

UKRAINE-KRIEG: USA sichert Patriot-Abwehrsystem zu – Darum ist das System so begehrt

WELT Nachrichtensender1,51 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern60.797 Aufrufe 21.12.2022 AXEL SPRINGER NEUBAUUKRAINE-KRIEG: USA sichert Patriot-Abwehrsystem zu – Darum ist das System so begehrt

Why Zelensky’s Visit To The US Could Not Have Been Timed Better l Russia-Ukraine War

CRUX1,65 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks56.758 Aufrufe 21.12.2022 #russiaukrainewar#zelensky#zelenskyinusUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is visiting the US in his first foreign trip since Russia invaded his country. Zelensky’s visit to the US comes a day after he visited Bakhmut, the region witnessing the most intense fighting in Ukraine. According to US officials, Biden will announce an additional $1.8 billion […]

„SIE möchten nicht, dass du es weißt!“ (Ernst Wolff)

Kettner-Edelmetalle (Gold & Silber)231.000 Abonnenten Thanks123.879 Aufrufe 18.12.2022 #ernstwolff#klausschwab#thegreatreset✅Hier geht es zum Buch:… Willkommen zu unserem neuen Interview. Heute haben wir das Vergnügen, Dominik Kettner und Ernst Wolff zu unserem Interview begrüßen zu dürfen. Im Folgenden werden sie uns mehr über das World Economic Forum erzählen und uns zeigen, wie mächtig dieses Unternehmen tatsächlich […]