Kategorie Archiv: Volksunterdrückung #1 : Lebensmittelknappheit!

Deagel organization predicts massive global depopulation of 50 to 80% by 2025

Historically, a change in the economic paradigmDeagel organization predicts massive global depopulation of 50 to 80% by 2025.Deagel.com Deagel, a true intelligence organization for the US government, predicts a massive 50-80% global depopulation by 2025. Few people are familiar with this website and even more say the organization does not legitimately exist. Despite the overwhelming […]

World Economic Forum Admits Population Control Is Top Issue – Promotes Reducing Number To What It Was In The 1500s

War Room | Banned.video July 21st 2022, 1:06 pm WEF says we need to get the population down to where it was “five hundred years ago” Edited video shared as Pfizer CEO stating that his goal is to reduce world population by half A video through a post is being widely shared on social media claiming that […]

Panama Shutdown Signals Beginning of International Unrest. No fuel available!

PANAMA CITY Fla. (WMBB) — You’ve probably noticed it’s taking more to fill up your tank. Across the country, people are rushing to the pumps in fear of a shortage. Monetized by optAd360 Where are the gas shortages in Florida? Shortages have been more acute in the Florida Panhandle, with reports of 73 percent of […]

Bauern: Warum protestieren sie in ganz Europa?

Warum die Bauern auf die Straße gehen Veröffentlicht am 8. Juli 2022 17:33 von Markus Fugmann Von den deutschen Medien wenig beachtet erleben wir derzeit in vielen Teilen Europas heftige Proteste der Bauern: In den Niederlanden feuerte die Polizei gegen die protestierenden Bauern sogar Schüsse ab, es kam zu Tumulten. Der Protest der Bauern und die EU Woher kommt […]

Hebben de boeren écht een tank gekocht om te protesteren?

Er gaat momenteel een video rond op Twitter en Whatsapp, maar klopt het wel? Door Redactie TopGear Gepubliceerd op 6 juli 2022 om 18:04 uur  Foto: © Screenshot Twitter Er gaat een video rond op Twitter en WhatsApp van een oude tank die van een vrachtwagentrailer wordt gereden. Volgens de tekst bij het filmpje gaat het hier […]

MORGAN: When the Dutch rise up, the world should take notice.

Cory Morgan Jul 9, 2022 The Dutch are slow to anger, but when they let loose, watch out. You may have seen the meme or heard the story of how Dutch citizens dragged out their prime minister, killed him and ate him. The story is true. It happened in 1672. Prime Minister Johan De Witt […]

USA: Lebensmittelproduktion durch mysteriöse Brände in Fleischfabriken gefährdet

Behörden spielen mögliche Zusammenhänge herunter USA: Lebensmittelproduktion durch mysteriöse Brände in Fleischfabriken gefährdet Freepik Inhalt In den USA gehen immer mehr Lebensmittelbetriebe in Flammen auf: Bislang wurden sechzehn solcher Vorfälle registriert. Die Hintergründe sind unklar. Ein Terrorhintergrund wird nicht angenommen. Fakt ist jedoch, dass die Grundversorgung der Bevölkerung durch diese Anschläge auf die Infrastruktur mancherorts massiv bedroht ist. […]

EXCLUSIVE: Food shortages magnified by string of destroyed food processing facilities

(Editor’s note: The Western Standard also covered the instance of destroyed food processing facilities globally within the last two years in a separate article) Food shortages have been exacerbated by a string of fires, plane crashes and explosions at nearly two dozen food processing facilities across Canada and the US. The most recent happened on Thursday in Georgia when […]

TRUCKDRIVERS STRANDED IN FRANCE !! Fuel crisis over ‘by end of week’ ??

Government sends in riot police to break blockades, as distributors agree to work together to top up 4,000 stations E-MailFacebookDruckenTwitterWhatsAppMehr… 20 October 2010 01:00 THE GOVERNMENT has pledged to put a stop to France’s petrol shortage by the end of the week. Riot police were drafted in early this morning to break up blockades at […]



Freedom Convoy leaders face new criminal charges Accused now jointly face more mischief, intimidation and obstructing police charges Priscilla Ki Sun Hwang, Trevor Pritchard · CBC News · Posted: Mar 24, 2022 3:43 PM ET | Last Updated: March 25 The Crown has laid more charges against three key leaders of the so-called Freedom Convoy. Tamara Lich, Chris Barber and […]