Kategorie Archiv: Volksunterdrückung # 25 : Gekaufte oder Erpresste Politiker

Rutte AANGEPAKT door Marijnissen! ‘Mensen hebben NIKS aan je praatjes, je komt je beloftes NIET na!’

KafkaNL48.900 Abonnenten Clip1.700 Aufrufe 01.01.2023 Rutte AANGEPAKT door Marijnissen! ‘Mensen hebben NIKS aan je praatjes, je komt je beloftes NIET na!’

Rutte AANGEPAKT door furieuze Wilders! ‘Waar haal je het GORE LEF vandaan om zo te doen?’

KafkaNL48.900 Abonnenten Clip7.373 Aufrufe 01.01.2023 Rutte AANGEPAKT door Wilders! ‘Waar haal je het G0RE LEF vandaan om zo te doen?’

Elon Musk Makes Sensational Claim: USA Policing the World Through Twitter, Facebook?

Firstpost180.000 Abonnenten Thanks23.599 Aufrufe 29.12.2022 #twitter#elonmusk#joebidenElon Musk Makes Sensational Claim: USA Policing the World Through Twitter, Facebook? Is the USA Playing Global Cop Online? Is Big Tech on the US government’s payroll? And how deep does USA’s interference in Big Tech go? The collusion between Big Tech and the US government has been unmasked rather […]

Buffalo, NY: Troops Deployed | Curfew Instituted

Poplar Preparedness76.100 Abonnenten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGhM8r_mPI0 Thanks75.993 Aufrufe 28.12.2022 #Foodshortages#emptyshelves#InflationNational Guard deployed to close roads and enforce a driving ban across the Buffalo, NY region. US Citizens denied permission to leave their homes and get necessities while looters allowed to roam free. Genesis Gold Group | https://genesisgoldgroup.com/ Jonathan – 1-800-200-4653

Du darfst dich nur noch 15 min frei bewegen pro Tag!

Vermietertagebuch – Alexander Raue119.000 Abonnenten Mitglied werden Thanks344.147 Aufrufe 12.12.2022 Die erste Stadt in Europa will die Bewegungsfreiheit der Menschen massiv einschränken. Du darfst dich nur noch dort bewegen, was du innerhalb von 15 Min spazieren erreichen kannst. Für alles andere brauchst du eine Genehmigung von der Stadtverwaltung. Überwacht wird das ganze mit Straßensperren und […]

Sophie Hermans (VVD) AANGEPAKT door Marijnissen! ‘Er wordt GELOGEN onder ede, dat is strafbaar!’

KafkaNL48.600 Abonnenten Clip10.188 Aufrufe 29.12.2022 Sophie Hermans (VVD) AANGEPAKT door Marijnissen! ‘Er wordt GELOG€N onder ede, dat is str@fbaar!’ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/buc/

Caroline van der Plas CONFRONTEERT Ernst Kuipers! ‘Was het coronabeleid wel legaal?’

KafkaNL48.600 Abonnenten Speichern4.913 Aufrufe 28.12.2022 Caroline van der Plas CONFRONTEERT Ernst Kuipers! ‘Was het c0ronabeleid wel legaal?’ https://jeromus.de/produkt-kategorie/buc/

EU corruption scandal: Niccolo Figa-Talamanca to stay in detention | International News | WION

WION7,18 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern1187 Aufrufe vor 1 Stunde #europeanunion#qatargatescandal#wion A Belgian appeals court decided on Tuesday to keep Niccolo Figa-Talamanca, an Italian suspect in a European Parliament corruption scandal, in detention. Watch this video to know more. #europeanunion #qatargatescandal #wion

World Economic Forum Declares ‘Jesus Is Fake News’ and ‘God Is Dead’

Fact checked December 9, 2022 Baxter Dmitry News, US 56 Comments 1.4k SHARES Humans are “hackable animals without souls”, according to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, who have also declared that “Jesus is the original fake news” and that WEF leaders are “acquiring divine powers” of “creation and destruction.” According to the WEF, a new one world religion has arrived and it unites […]

Fleur Agema: Hugo de Jonge heeft als een maffia-baas mensen BANG gemaakt & onder DRUK gezet!

KafkaNL47.800 Abonnenten Clip6.707 Aufrufe 22.12.2022 Fleur Agema: Hugo de Jonge heeft mensen B@NG gemaakt & onder DRUK gezet!

Oppositie woest op kabinet: ‘Het is net de maffia!’

Omroep PowNed492.000 Abonnenten Speichern60.221 Aufrufe 22.12.2022 #sarahbakker#pownewsHet mondkapjesdebat ontspoorde gister volledig in de Tweede Kamer. Een groot deel van de oppositie stapte woest op toen bleek dat de coalitie wéér weigerde een minister tot de orde te roepen. #pownews#sarahbakker#mondkapjesdebat 🚨 Steun PowNed, word lid: https://www.helpmee.tv ⭐ Ontdek meer van PowNed op onze website en socials! […]

More Secrets Tumble Out of European Union’s Corruption Closet | Qatargate | EU Corruption

Firstpost176.000 Abonnenten Thanks71.062 Aufrufe 21.12.2022 #scandal#ukraine#powerMore Secrets Tumble Out of European Union’s Corruption Closet | Qatargate | EU Corruption. Europe is firefighting on multiple fronts. Helping Ukraine while incurring tremendous economic costs itself, trying to fight the US over the Inflation Reduction Act, confronting the mammoth energy crisis and sanctioning Russia. Europe has got all […]

UKRAINE-KRIEG: Selenskyj auf dem Weg in die USA – Treffen mit Joe Biden | WELT Newsstream

WELT Nachrichtensender1,51 Mio. Abonnenten

FBI *BOMBSHELL* Just DESTROYED Biden Story | Twitter Files 7.

Meet Kevin1,84 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks113.067 Aufrufe 20.12.2022 #twitter#hunterbiden#fbi✅LARGEST Coupon EVER, code *PP*✅ https://metkevin.com/join Lifetime access to NEW lectures and access to private livestreams. 🚀🚀LARGEST EVER Coupon!!🚀🚀 STOCKS AND PSYCHOLOGY comes with $5m trading portfolio access!

Angela Merkel’s revelation about Minsk Agreements | Russia Ukraine war | Geopolitics

Amit Sengupta1,67 Mio. Abonnenten Clip280.319 Aufrufe 14.12.2022 #angelamerkel#minsk#geopoliticsFormer German chancellor Angela Merkel spilled beans about the Minsk peace accord in an interview to a German national weekly newspaper on 7th December 2022. What did she mean, we will learn about it in this video. #geopolitics#angelamerkel#minsk

Gravitas: Europe not a paradise without vice anymore?

WION7,15 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern24.394 Aufrufe 20.12.2022 #europe#corruption#wionFor decades, the West has been the moral authority for the world, setting standards of transparency and accountability. But Europe and the United Kingdom today are struggling to maintain credibility amid a wave of corruption scandals. Priyanka Sharma tells you more. #europe#corruption#wion

Euro-parlementariër Rob Roos (JA21): Rusland krijgt ONTERECHT de schuld van deze KOUDE winter!

KafkaNL47.400 Abonnenten Speichern6.352 Aufrufe 18.12.2022 Euro-parlementariër Rob Roos (JA21): Rusland krijgt ONTERECHT de schuld van deze KOUDE winter!

Mark Levin exposes the ‘liars’ in the Hunter Biden saga

Fox News10,2 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern60.222 Aufrufe Premiere vor 4 Stunden. #FoxNews#LifeLiberty Fox News host Mark Levin digs deeper into the investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings on ‘Life, Liberty & Levin.’ #FoxNews#LifeLiberty&Levin Subscribe to Fox News! https://bit.ly/2vBUvAS Watch more Fox News Video: http://video.foxnews.com Watch Fox News Channel Live: http://www.foxnewsgo.com/

‘Serial liar’: Joe Biden called out for telling ‘ridiculous tall tale’

Sky News Australia3,05 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks57.604 Aufrufe 19.12.2022 US President Joe Biden has been labelled a “serial liar” after the New York Post revealed there was no evidence to support his recent claim that he gave his uncle a Purple Heart for his actions during World War II.

Schmiergeld-Griechin Kaili redet sich raus | EU-Korruptions-Skandal

BILD1,34 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern18.117 Aufrufe 15.12.2022 #Kaili#Korruption#euparlament

Status Quo 2022 – DEPOPULATION – 2024 DEAGEL FORECAST !!

Putin warns the Western World!!! Wake up!! Time is running out!! .. . A commander of Chechen forces fighting for Russia against Ukraine has called the war “holy”. Apti Alaudinov said that the Russia-Ukraine war was against the Satanic values of Europe and the US. Alaudinov praised Russian president Vladimir Putin for preventing LGBTQ rights […]

Bauern: Warum protestieren sie in ganz Europa?

Warum die Bauern auf die Straße gehen Veröffentlicht am 8. Juli 2022 17:33 von Markus Fugmann Von den deutschen Medien wenig beachtet erleben wir derzeit in vielen Teilen Europas heftige Proteste der Bauern: In den Niederlanden feuerte die Polizei gegen die protestierenden Bauern sogar Schüsse ab, es kam zu Tumulten. Der Protest der Bauern und die EU Woher kommt […]