Täglicher Archiv: nieuws

Gravitas: Erdogan escalates tensions in the Mediterranean

167K views 11 hours agoWION6.91M subscribers

KIMS RAKETE: Feuer frei! Die USA und Südkorea regieren auf den Test von Nordkorea

13K views 17 hours agoWELT Netzreporter111K subscribers

Poland approaches US about sharing nukes, latter says ‘unaware of Poland’s aspirations’ | WION

86K views 10 hours agoWION6.91M subscribers

US Col. Richard Black Asks: Did U.S/NATO Blow up the Nord Stream Pipelines?

33K views 10 hours agoSchiller Institute

Nordkorea feuert ballistische Rakete über Japan

25K views 22 hours ago

( Propaganda) Russlands Krieg in der Ukraine erinnert Jürgen Trittin an die ss und wehrmacht.

Veröffentlicht am 18.05.2022 | Lesedauer: 2 Minuten Russlands Krieg in der Ukraine erinnert Jürgen Trittin an die Wehrmacht. Man erlebe eine Rückkehr der imperialen Eroberungskriege, so der Grünen-Politiker. Trittins Vater war SS-Obersturmführer im Zweiten Weltkrieg in Russland. Er hatte ihm von „unglaublichen Verbrechen“ erzählt. Anzeige Der Grünen-Politiker Jürgen Trittin sieht Parallelen zwischen dem russischen Vorgehen in der Ukraine […]

GRÜNEN-SPITZENKANDIDAT : Trittins Vater war bei Waffen-SS!!

von Jens König und Martin Jäschke 14.11.2012, 16:52 Klaus Trittin, Vater des Grünen-Spitzenkandidaten Jürgen Trittin, kämpfte im Zweiten Weltkrieg bis zur letzten Minute – und zeigte seinen Kindern später und voller Reue ein KZ. Von Martin Jäschke und Jens König Jürgen Trittin hat den Job des Vizekanzlers und Finanzministers fest im Blick. Sollte es nach […]

( Northstream pipeline exlodes),Baltic Pipe: Norway-Poland gas pipeline opens in key move to cut dependency on Russia !!

COMMENTS By Alasdair Sandford  with Reuters  •  Updated: 27/09/2022 Polish President Andrzej Duda, 4th left, Danish PM Mette Frederiksen, 4th right, and Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki, 2nd right, at the Baltic Pipe inauguration, Budno, 27/9/2022   –   Copyright  AP Photo SHARE THIS ARTICLE Leaders from Poland, Norway and Denmark have attended a ceremony to mark the opening of the new Baltic Pipe, a key stage […]

Russia attacks Zelensky’s hometown with killer drones as Ukraine takes back eastern city

Ukrainian servicemen drive a tank on the way to Siversk, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022. RUSSIA attacked the Ukrainian president’s hometown and other targets with drones today and Ukraine took back full control of an eastern city in a counteroffensive that has reshaped the war. Russia’s loss of Lyman, which it had been […]

Wilders tegen Rutte :” Nederland is een vulkaan die op uitbarsten staat! “

10K views 1 day agoJack van Hees

Democratie in gevaar: kabinet wil FVD het zwijgen opleggen

39K views 1 day agoForum voor Democratie

Experts: If Ukraine joins NATO, that means World War | Latest World News | English News | WION

183K views 16 hours agoWION6.9M subscribers

( June )

Current DEFCON Level Is Now 3: Find Out Why Here Posted onLast Updated: June 5, 2022 AuthorRob V. Comment(0)  7067 Views DEFCON is a U.S. military term that stands for Defense Readiness Condition. This is part of a system that indicates the level of threat the U.S. faces, or may face, from other countries and the readiness of […]

Ukraine formally applies for fast-track NATO membership

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg shies away from directly endorsing Ukraine’s bid, but stresses alliance is open to new members. BY CAMILLE GIJS AND LILI BAYER SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 5:13 PM Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on WhatsApp Mail Print PRESS PLAY TO LISTEN TO THIS ARTICLE Voiced by Amazon Polly Ukraine on Friday formally requested […]

Ukraine War: Vladimir Putin Announces Annexation Of Four Ukrainian Regions By Russia

Russia is annexing four regions of Ukraine, namely Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia. Together with Crimea that Russia annexed in 2014, Russia now claims 20% of Ukrainian territory.  Latest Issue RAMNAMISHow Ramnami Sect In Chhattisgarh Fights India’s Brutal Caste System By Tattooing Ram’s NameA central Indian community marks its devotion to Ram by tattooing his […]

North Korea are ‘ready to transfer up to 100,000 soldiers’ with ‘tactical units to Donbas’ to join Putin’s war in Ukraine

WRITTEN BY LLB POLITICAL REPORTER 5TH AUG 22 11:42 AM North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un has offered Vladimir Putin “100,000 soldiers” with “tactical units” to fight in the Donbas. Putin is seriously considering the North Korea’s offer in exchange for grain and energy which will help Jong-un’s country to alleviate their struggles. Putin has lost tens of thousands […]

Boots on Ground! Chinese soldiers in ukraine!!

By Iliya Kusa on June 21, 2022 KENNAN INSTITUTE GLOBAL ALLIANCES & PARTNERSHIPSCONFLICT RESOLUTION AND PEACEBUILDINGCHINA MAINLANDRUSSIAUKRAINE BY ILIYA KUSA Like many non-Western countries, China has formulated its stance on the Russia-Ukraine war in keeping with its general foreign policy approach and its perception of the value and purpose of international alliances. In general, China’s public pronouncements on […]

Russia has asked China for military help in Ukraine!

 US officials say White House fears move is sign of ever closer ties between Beijing and Moscow A Ukrainian soldier and a firefighter outside a building destroyed in a bombing attack in Kyiv on Monday © Vadim Ghirda/AP Share on twitter (opens new window) Share on facebook (opens new window) Share on linkedin (opens new […]

(March2022) Ukraine: photo of Chinese army heading to Russia is fake news, Beijing says..

Photo circulating on Twitter is a cropped version of a picture first published in 2021, China’s internet watchdog saysThere had been reports in the US that Russia had asked China for military support. The photo of the Chinese army, claimed to be near the Russian border, was posted on Twitter. Photo: Weibo China has denied […]


The 1990s ushered in a revolution in military affairs in China. Planners for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) started to talk about integrating digital technologies and to debate strategy, tactics, and operations in ways that drew on lessons from the Gulf War. PLA learning, debate, assimilation, and adaptation has continued over these subsequent decades—up to […]

Bundestagsdelegation plant Taiwan-Reise!

Die Reise im Oktober soll auch nach Japan und Hongkong gehen. Militärmanöver um Taiwan: laut Kreml „Chinas souveränes Recht“ Konflikt zwischen China und Taiwan: China setzt Militärübungen vor Taiwans Küste fort Dieser News-Ticker zum Taiwan-Besuch von Nancy Pelosi wird fortlaufend aktualisiert. Update vom 5. August, 7 Uhr: Nach Angaben aus Taipeh haben chinesische Flugzeuge und Schiffe im Rahmen von Militärmanövern erneut die sogenannte Medianlinie in der Mitte […]

Nach Pelosis Abreise: Raketen vor Taiwan als Strafe Chinas

Taiwans Präsidentin nennt Chinas Manöver «unverantwortlich» +++ Russland hält zu China 05.08.2022, 06:41 Von Donnerstag bis Samstag finden rund um die Insel Taiwan ein chinesisches Militärmanöver statt. Das Militärmanöver wird von China als Reaktion auf den Besuch von Nancy Pelosi, der Vorsitzenden des US-Repräsentantenhauses, dargestellt. Sie hat Taiwan am Dienstag und Mittwoch (Ortszeit) im Rahmen ihrer Asien-Reise besucht. […]