Monatlicher Archiv: Juli 2022

Geplante Sozialreform

Hartz IV wird zum Bürgergeld: Was ändert sich dadurch wirklich? Hartz IV soll im kommenden Jahr zum Bürgergeld werden. Am Mittwoch will sich Arbeitsminister Hubertus Heil (SPD) in Berlin zum Thema äußern. Über einige Fragen – etwa die Höhe des künftigen Regelsatzes – wurde in der Koalition zuletzt gestritten. Was ist nun zu erwarten? Ein Überblick. Was […]

Panama Shutdown Signals Beginning of International Unrest. No fuel available!

PANAMA CITY Fla. (WMBB) — You’ve probably noticed it’s taking more to fill up your tank. Across the country, people are rushing to the pumps in fear of a shortage. Monetized by optAd360 Where are the gas shortages in Florida? Shortages have been more acute in the Florida Panhandle, with reports of 73 percent of […]

Russia accused of shelling from Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine

Text by:FRANCE 24Follow The president of the Ukrainian nuclear agency said on Friday that Russian forces are using the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine as a base for storing and launching weapons. Russia’s defence ministry said Saturday that its forces destroyed a Ukrainian factory in the city of Dnipro that produced parts for Tochka-U […]

What Would Happen If a Doomsday, Carrington-Sized Solar Flare Hit Earth?

BY ED BROWNE ON 7/1/22 AT 12:09 PM EDTPauseUnmute Watch Giant Solar Flare 19 Times Bigger Than Earth Erupt From Sun’s Surface SHARE TECH & SCIENCESCIENCESPACESPACE WEATHERSOLAR FLARE On September 1, 1859, British astronomer Richard Carrington was observing the sun through a specially designed telescope fitted with protective filters. At one point, he saw a flash of […]

Massive Solar flare to strike Earth today possibly causing blackouts

The sun has released a massive solar storm which could hit Earth today, possibly causing blackouts and a powerful solar storm. TN Science Desk Updated Jul 18, 2022 | 05:16 PM IST Share This Article UP NEXT 1Massive Solar flare to strike Earth today possibly causing blackouts 2Garena Free Fire [All Working] redeem codes for […]

Putin arrives in Iran for rare foreign to meet Erdoğan and Raisi

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Tehran on Tuesday for a summit with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. Why it matters: With Syria, Ukraine and oil on the agenda, all three leaders have something to gain from the summit. So, potentially, does the world, as Putin and Erdoğan will discuss a deal to […]

Ein ungewöhnlicher Dreier-Gipfel gegen den Westen

Die Präsidenten Russlands und der Türkei treffen ihren iranischen Kollegen Raisi. Gesprächsthemen haben sie genug – ebenso wie Meinungsverschiedenheiten. THOMAS SEIBERT Der russische Präsident, der iranische Hardliner und der Chef des Nato-Staates Türkei an einem Tisch: In der iranischen Hauptstadt Teheran findet ein ungewöhnlicher Dreier-Gipfel statt. Bereits am Montagabend trafen Wladimir Putin und Recep Tayyip Erdogan […]

Watch: Christine Anderson at the European Parliament say that she is not willing to be vaccinated with an experimental Vaccine which is being pushed by govts on behalf of vested interests, even if she is sent to Jail for her defiance of Vaccine mandates

Italiens, Sri Lankas und Englands Präsidenten treten zurück !

Der vor Massenprotesten ins Ausland geflohene Präsident Sri Lankas hat am Donnerstag seinen Rücktritt erklärt. Gotabaya Rajapaksa habe seinen Amtsverzicht kurz nach der Ankunft in Singapur per E-Mail mitgeteilt, sagte ein Sprecher des sri-lankischen Parlamentspräsidenten. Rajapaksa war am Samstag kurz vor der Erstürmung des Präsidentenpalastes aus der Hauptstadt Colombo geflohen. Danach kündigte er für Mittwoch […]

“Iran” plotting to kill Donald Trump in assassination plot, intelligence leak says

Iran is seeking to avenge the United States for the death of Major General Qassim Soleimani, a powerful Iranian commander, at the hands of a US drone strike two years ago Trump calls Iranian general a ‘son of a b**ch’ Iran is plotting to kill or capture Donald Trump and his former secretary of state Mike Pompeo, according to […]

Israeli officials have repeatedly said that if Iran obtained a nuclear weapon, it would pose an existential threat and said they would not allow Iran to build a bomb.

Some critics accuse Israel of provoking the United States into a war with Iran. The only country, however, that called for the use of military force is Saudi Arabia, which believes it has the most at risk if Iran has the bomb. The Saudis were frustrated by the failure of both the Bush and Obama administrations to act and publicly […]


A look at the grim scenarios—and the U.S. playbook for eachBy Eric Schlosser JUNE 20, 2022SHARE About the author: Eric Schlosser is a former contributing editor at The Atlantic. He is the author of Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety and Fast Food Nation. Updated at 11:30 a.m. ET on June 21, 2022 The 12th main […]

Heatwave UK: Bei welcher Temperatur schmelzen Straßen? | Wetter | Nachrichten

adminJuly 15, 20220 Die Hitzewelle verursacht im ganzen Land Chaos, und das Met Office gibt eine Warnung vor roter Hitze heraus. Die Regierung rät den Menschen, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um sich von der Sonne fernzuhalten und während der extremen Hitze hydratisiert zu bleiben. Menschen leiden in Zeiten hoher Temperaturen, und Hitze kann eine Reihe von […]

Gazprom Claims Force Majeure in Its Halt of Gas Deliveries to Europe

Energy firms Uniper and RWE get notices from Russian company, as fears of longer cutoff emerge Gazprom has been delivering less gas than ordered by customers over the past month, with the company citing problems with turbines at its main pipeline to Europe that ends in Germany TopicsGazprom | Russia Oil production | Russia Anna Shiryaevskaya Stephen Stapczynski & Isis Almeida | […]

Japan: verbied ivoor nu!

TEKEN DE PETITIE Aan premier Shinzo Abe, gouverneur Yuriko Koike en de Japanse regering: We vragen u dringend om de binnenlandse ivoorhandel in Japan te sluiten, alle ivoorexport te beëindigen en inspanningen te steunen om de wereldwijde ivoorhandel te verbieden. Nu Japan zich voorbereidt om tijdens de Olympische Spelen van Tokyo 2021 de hele wereld […]

Energiekrise! Deutsche sollen weniger heizen und weniger duschen

France To Turn Off Street Lights In Response To Energy Crisis !

July 16, 2022 France is poised to be completely cut off from Russian gas. France is set to to turn off street lights in response to the energy crisis as a result of this. EXPLOSIVE: Here’s what was uncovered in Hunter Biden’s iCloud Hack MAJOR PEER REVIEWED STUDY: Moderna Vaccine Increases Myocarditis Risk By 44 Times In Young Adults […]

Grand Theft Auto UK ! Criminals are stealing cars to break them down for parts, a near 30 percent increase !

By TIM BRADLEY 09:37, Tue, Jun 7, 2022 | UPDATED: 11:50, Thu, Jun 9, 2022 4 GMB: Richard says police ‘didn’t investigate’ daughter’s car theft RELATED ARTICLES Drivers rage at new low emissions zones UK new car sales fall to one of the worst levels in 30 years Superintendent Jim Munro of West Midlands Police is telling motorists […]

Little Babylon : London Messer-attacken steigen rasant an bis zu 3 am tag!

Scientists Develop a Terminator-like Stretchable Liquid Metal

Rechelle Ann FuertesMar 22, 2019 at 8:15 am GMT This new liquid metal could fundamentally change how we create electronics. ¦ Graphic Compressor / Shutterstock Researchers from Beihang University, Tsinghua University, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China have created a magnetic liquid metal droplet that can be molded and stretched like in the sci-fi movie, The Terminator. The metal […]

What if Terminators/Cyborgs were made with Graphene?

#1 Joshua1990 Something similar to a T-3000 in Terminator Genisys but the machine phase matter was reverse engineered with graphene. The simplest way to describe graphene for those who don’t know: its a single, thin layer of graphite — the soft, flaky material used in pencil lead. Graphite is an allotrope of the element carbon, meaning it […]

Graphene Oxide Generates Corona Effect, And Why It’s In Chemtrails, Vaxx, Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Food, PCR And Antigen Tests!! Human Race At Risk Of Genocide And Tranhumanism By Digital Parasitism!! One Of The Most Important Videos Of Modern Times!!

Monday, July 11, 2022 0:19 39Shares Graphene Oxide Generates Corona Effect, And Why It’s In Chemtrails, Vaxx, Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Food, PCR And Antigen Tests!! Human Race At Risk Of Genocide And Tranhumanism By Digital Parasitism!! One Of The Most Important Videos Of Modern Times!! There are so many issues brought up in this video… just […]

Europe heatwave: Thousands escape wildfires in France, Spain and Greece

By Paul Kirby Residents and holidaymakers have fled towns and villages in France, Spain and Portugal as fires are whipped up by high winds and tinder-dry conditions. More than 11,000 people have been forced to leave France’s south-western Gironde region in the past few days. Dozens of fires are burning in Portugal and Spain where […]

Bauern: Warum protestieren sie in ganz Europa?

Warum die Bauern auf die Straße gehen Veröffentlicht am 8. Juli 2022 17:33 von Markus Fugmann Von den deutschen Medien wenig beachtet erleben wir derzeit in vielen Teilen Europas heftige Proteste der Bauern: In den Niederlanden feuerte die Polizei gegen die protestierenden Bauern sogar Schüsse ab, es kam zu Tumulten. Der Protest der Bauern und die EU Woher kommt […]

Bill Gates Labor Fleisch Firma angezündet, menschen fangen an wiederstand zu leisten!

Supermarkt abgebrannt: Bill-Gates-Gegner unter Verdacht

B2B 12.07.2022 Der Microsoft-Gründer ist Hauptinvestor bei dem Start-up Picnic. Er könnte der Grund sein, weshalb ein Lager der Firma abbrannte. Ein Lebensmittellager des Öko-Onlinelieferdienstes „Picnic“ brannte vergangenen Sonntag in einer Stadt nahe Amsterdam ab. Genaue Hintergründe zu dem Brand sind noch nicht bekannt. Wie Dutch News berichtet, könnte der Brand ein Vergeltungsschlag gegen den Hauptinvestor des klimafreundlichen […]

New York City officials share eerie explainer on how to prepare for nuclear attack

NYC Prepares People for ‘Big One’ With Nuclear Attack PSA Video By Isabella Steger 12. Juli 2022, 04:09 MESZ Share this article Follow the authors @stegersaurus + Get alerts forIsabella Steger The city of New York released a public service announcement video outlining the three steps that residents should take in case of a nuclear attack.  The […]

Valdez refinery halts fuel loading after tanker truck loading diesel explodes, officials say

By Zaz Hollander Updated: June 29, 2022Published: June 28, 2022 A tanker truck that caught fire at a Valdez refinery Monday afternoon halted fuel-loading activities at the facility on Tuesday, state officials say. The truck was loading diesel when the explosion occurred, according to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. The fire at the Petro Star […]

Foodplants, Natural Gas Pipelines and Infrastructure Explosions Nationwide

Natural Gas pipelines explode with alarming frequency in the US, killing and injuring people, and causing millions of dollars in damage. Interstate pipelines are permitted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), which has approved all but one pipeline over the past 30 years, and routinely rejects legitimate concerns raised by impacted communities. In just 2015 to […]

Cannibalised Prime Minister: Grisly demise of Dutch statesman .

Fine Portrait Miniatures28 Jun 2012London, Knightsbridge Continental School circa 1675 A pair of portraits of Cornelis (1623-1672) and Johan de Witt (1625-1672): the former, wearing doublet with sash and lace falling collar, his curling hair worn long; the latter, wearing black robe with white lawn collar, his curling hair worn long beneath a black skull […]