Täglicher Archiv: new world order

Hitze und Dürre: Dauersommer bis zum Abwinken! Blauer Himmel, Chemtrails und “Sie sprühen wieder”!

wetternet227.000 Abonnenten Thanks34.834 Aufrufe 08.08.2022 #dominikjung Das aktuelle Wetter für Deutschland vom 8. August 2022. Was für ein Wetterchen. Schon am Wochenende gab es fast überall einen wolkenlosen Himmel und viel Sonnenschein. Das wird die Woche der Verschwörungstheoretiker in Sachen Chemtrails und Co. “Sie sprühen wieder” diesen Satz liest man immer wieder mal bei uns […]

Looks Like Jesus is Coming Soon!

Robert Breaker650.000 Abonnenten Clip127.337 Aufrufe 03.06.2023In this video I show how it looks like Jesus is coming very soon at the rapture! Sermon preached at The First Baptist Church in Lowell, Indiana on May 24th, 2023. Leo Lyon Zagami speaks to the skeptic audience of Badwolf Media about Hollywood & the Great Reset THE LEO […]

Is a Digital Dollar Coming? Some Financial Experts Warn It Could be Instrument of Government Control

CBN News1,06 Mio. Abonnenten Thanks133.654 Aufrufe 19.05.2023 #christianity#christian#cbnnews More and more central banks around the world are in the early stages of creating digital currencies. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell told the House Financial Services Committee in March that the Fed had already begun testing a digital dollar. Powell told the House Financial Services Committee, “We’re […]

Leo Lyon Zagami speaks to the skeptic audience of Badwolf Media about Hollywood & the Great Reset

THE LEO ZAGAMI SHOW – L’ESULE4240 Abonnenten Clip1.187 Aufrufe Premiere am 05.04.2023 Source: https:www.Blacksite32.com Support us and GET Leo Zagami’s latest book ‘Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 8: From the Rise of the Antichrist To the Sound of the Devil and the Great Reset’ OUT NOW: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BP9N5PK5/… IF THIS VIDEO IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE ON […]

Tulsi Gabbard on The Restrict Act (TikTok Ban)

Tulsi Gabbard568.000 Abonnenten Speichern2.876 Aufrufe 10.04.2023 The Restrict Act does a lot more than just make it illegal for Americans to use TikTok. It will give unelected bureaucrats the power to make it illegal for Americans to use any other app or website, monitor our every move, censor our online speech, and crush any dissent, […]

Mind Control & Entertainment: Hollywood’s Wicked Agenda with Leo Zagami interviewed by Jay Campbell

THE LEO ZAGAMI SHOW – L’ESULE3940 Abonnenten Clip525 Aufrufe Premiere am 05.04.2023Source: https://jaycampbell.com/ Support us and GET Leo Zagami’s latest book ‘Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 8: From the Rise of the Antichrist To the Sound of the Devil and the Great Reset’ OUT NOW: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BP9N5PK5/… IF THIS VIDEO IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE […]


Veraces Media2390 Abonnenten Speichern76.797 Aufrufe 25.03.2023 In this first episode host Michael Obeid speaks with Mar Mari Emmanuel, an Assyrian bishop from the Eastern Church about government lockdowns, the plandemic, the rainbow agenda and the silence of church leaders. If you like this episode please make sure you subscribe to our channel. To visit Bishop […]

Taliban shows off seized US military equipment: ‘Disturbing’

Fox News10,5 Mio. Abonnenten Speichern769.645 Aufrufe 28.03.2023 #foxnews Rep. Morgan Luttrell, R-Texas, reacts to photos released by the Taliban of U.S. military equipment seized following the Afghanistan withdrawal as House Republicans continue the search for answers on the botched evacuation. #foxnews Deagel organization predicts massive global depopulation of 50 to 80% by 2025 Historically, a change […]

They are trying to divide us…

Tulsi Gabbard564.000 Abonnenten Clip13.712 Aufrufe 23.03.2023As Thomas Jefferson said, “God who gave us life gave us Liberty.” Any political party that tries to erase God from every facet of our public life can’t be trusted to protect those inalienable God-given rights enshrined in the Constitution. Tulsi Gabbard: this is abuse of power Tulsi Gabbard563.000 Abonnenten […]

Tulsi Gabbard: this is abuse of power

Tulsi Gabbard563.000 Abonnenten Clip16.291 Aufrufe 20.03.2023 We’ve got a two-headed monster in government: unelected bureaucrats making decisions without accountability and self-serving leaders going through a revolving door to join the industries they oversee. It’s time for us to take responsibility and elect leaders who stop the revolving door and hold the bureaucratic state accountable. Democratic […]

NWO – WEF – Is Joe Biden About to Give the World Health Organization Authority Over the US Government?

CBN News923.000 Abonnenten Thanks6.304 Aufrufe 23.05.2022 #christiannews#cbnnews#christianThe World Health Organization’s 75th World Health Assembly is underway May 22-28 in Geneva, Switzerland and new amendments to the W.H.O.’s International Health Regulations are on the table. There’s widespread concern that amendments offered by the Biden Administration would hand over U.S. national sovereignty on matters of health to […]

Offiziell: Dramatische Zahlen aus England zur Corona!

Vermietertagebuch – Alexander Raue153.000 Abonnenten Thanks57.875 Aufrufe 09.03.2023Die neusten Statistiken aus England zur Corona-Impfung sprechen eine deutliche Sprache. Ich habe die offiziellen Zahlen aus England analysiert und eine erschreckende Tatsache herausgefunden. Je länger die Menschen die Impfung haben und je mehr Menschen sich boostern, desto mehr Menschen sterben! Das sind echt harter Tobak! Meine Analyse […]

Democratic Party Controlled by Elitist Cabal of Warmongers | Tulsi Gabbard at CPAC 2023

Tulsi Gabbard555.000 Abonnenten Clip17.567 Aufrufe 06.03.2023Tulsi Speech @ CPAC 2023 related article : NWO – New World Order? | The Global Lane March 2, 2023 CBN News912.000 Abonnenten Thanks96.270 Aufrufe 02.03.2023 #christiannews#cbnnews#christianCBN’s Gary Lane covers the latest news from around the world. SUBSCRIBE to the CBN News Channel for more: http://youtube.com/c/CBNnewsonline/?s… SUBSCRIBE to the QuickStart […]

New World Order? UN Plan Sparks New Concerns of Global Power Structure

CBN News912.000 Abonnenten Thanks100.132 Aufrufe 03.03.2023 #christiannews#cbnnews#christian “It will mean the establishment of a worldwide totalitarian biotech state,” said Women’s Rights Without Frontiers President Reggie Littlejohn. From health, vaccines, medicines, commerce, and trade, proposed post-covid pandemic revisions to World Health Organization regulations would give the WHO more authority over medical care and commerce during health […]

NWO – New World Order? | The Global Lane March 2, 2023

CBN News912.000 Abonnenten Thanks96.270 Aufrufe 02.03.2023 #christiannews#cbnnews#christianCBN’s Gary Lane covers the latest news from around the world. SUBSCRIBE to the CBN News Channel for more: http://youtube.com/c/CBNnewsonline/?s… SUBSCRIBE to the QuickStart Newsletter by visiting quickstart.news SUBSCRIBE to the Quickstart Podcast. New episodes every morning at 7am: cbn.com/cbnnews/quickstart What’s coming up next? Have a look at our […]

New World Order? (NWO)| The Global Lane March 2, 2023

CBN News912.000 Abonnenten Thanks96.270 Aufrufe 02.03.2023 #christiannews#cbnnews#christianCBN’s Gary Lane covers the latest news from around the world. SUBSCRIBE to the CBN News Channel for more: http://youtube.com/c/CBNnewsonline/?s… SUBSCRIBE to the QuickStart Newsletter by visiting quickstart.news SUBSCRIBE to the Quickstart Podcast. New episodes every morning at 7am: cbn.com/cbnnews/quickstart What’s coming up next? Have a look at our […]

Status Quo 2022 – DEPOPULATION – 2024 DEAGEL FORECAST !!

Putin warns the Western World!!! Wake up!! Time is running out!! .. . A commander of Chechen forces fighting for Russia against Ukraine has called the war “holy”. Apti Alaudinov said that the Russia-Ukraine war was against the Satanic values of Europe and the US. Alaudinov praised Russian president Vladimir Putin for preventing LGBTQ rights […]

North Korea are ‘ready to transfer up to 100,000 soldiers’ with ‘tactical units to Donbas’ to join Putin’s war in Ukraine

WRITTEN BY LLB POLITICAL REPORTER 5TH AUG 22 11:42 AM North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un has offered Vladimir Putin “100,000 soldiers” with “tactical units” to fight in the Donbas. Putin is seriously considering the North Korea’s offer in exchange for grain and energy which will help Jong-un’s country to alleviate their struggles. Putin has lost tens of thousands […]

Boots on Ground! Chinese soldiers in ukraine!!

By Iliya Kusa on June 21, 2022 KENNAN INSTITUTE GLOBAL ALLIANCES & PARTNERSHIPSCONFLICT RESOLUTION AND PEACEBUILDINGCHINA MAINLANDRUSSIAUKRAINE BY ILIYA KUSA Like many non-Western countries, China has formulated its stance on the Russia-Ukraine war in keeping with its general foreign policy approach and its perception of the value and purpose of international alliances. In general, China’s public pronouncements on […]

Russia has asked China for military help in Ukraine!

 US officials say White House fears move is sign of ever closer ties between Beijing and Moscow A Ukrainian soldier and a firefighter outside a building destroyed in a bombing attack in Kyiv on Monday © Vadim Ghirda/AP Share on twitter (opens new window) Share on facebook (opens new window) Share on linkedin (opens new […]

(March2022) Ukraine: photo of Chinese army heading to Russia is fake news, Beijing says..

Photo circulating on Twitter is a cropped version of a picture first published in 2021, China’s internet watchdog saysThere had been reports in the US that Russia had asked China for military support. The photo of the Chinese army, claimed to be near the Russian border, was posted on Twitter. Photo: Weibo China has denied […]


The 1990s ushered in a revolution in military affairs in China. Planners for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) started to talk about integrating digital technologies and to debate strategy, tactics, and operations in ways that drew on lessons from the Gulf War. PLA learning, debate, assimilation, and adaptation has continued over these subsequent decades—up to […]

Bundestagsdelegation plant Taiwan-Reise!

Die Reise im Oktober soll auch nach Japan und Hongkong gehen. Militärmanöver um Taiwan: laut Kreml „Chinas souveränes Recht“ Konflikt zwischen China und Taiwan: China setzt Militärübungen vor Taiwans Küste fort Dieser News-Ticker zum Taiwan-Besuch von Nancy Pelosi wird fortlaufend aktualisiert. Update vom 5. August, 7 Uhr: Nach Angaben aus Taipeh haben chinesische Flugzeuge und Schiffe im Rahmen von Militärmanövern erneut die sogenannte Medianlinie in der Mitte […]

Nach Pelosis Abreise: Raketen vor Taiwan als Strafe Chinas

Taiwans Präsidentin nennt Chinas Manöver «unverantwortlich» +++ Russland hält zu China 05.08.2022, 06:41 Von Donnerstag bis Samstag finden rund um die Insel Taiwan ein chinesisches Militärmanöver statt. Das Militärmanöver wird von China als Reaktion auf den Besuch von Nancy Pelosi, der Vorsitzenden des US-Repräsentantenhauses, dargestellt. Sie hat Taiwan am Dienstag und Mittwoch (Ortszeit) im Rahmen ihrer Asien-Reise besucht. […]

Iran nuclear chief: We have technical means to produce atom bomb, no intention of doing so

Head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization Mohammad Eslami looks on during a news conference with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi as they meet in Tehran, Iran, March 5, 2022. WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS Register now for FREE unlimited access to Reuters.com Register DUBAI, Aug 1 (Reuters) – […]

Hitzewelle macht AKW in Deutschland und Frankreich zu schaffen

By Reuters Staff Paris/Frankfurt (Reuters) – Die Hitzewelle in Mitteleuropa schränkt auch die Stromversorgung in Deutschland und Frankreich ein. Das niedersächsische Atomkraftwerk Grohnde an der Weser werde am Freitag wegen der hohen Wassertemperatur vom Netz genommen, teilte die E.ON-Tochter PreussenElektra am Donnerstag mit. Daten des französischen Netzbetreibers RTE zeigten, dass die Lieferungen aus französischen Reaktoren bereits […]

Niedrigwasser im Rhein birgt Risiko für die deutsche Wirtschaft: Der Nachschub stockt und bringt ausgerechnet die Stromproduktion ins Wanken

Im Rhein sind die Wasserstände ungewöhnlich früh so gefallen, dass die Schifffahrt eingeschränkt werden muss. Kraftwerk-Betreiber Uniper kündigte bereits an, die Stromproduktion in einem Kohlekraftwerk zu drosseln. Die Trockenheit wird damit zu einem zusätzlichen Risiko für die ohnehin belastete deutsche Wirtschaft. Ökonomen der Deutschen Bank erinnern an 2018, als niedrige Wasserstände im Rhein das Bruttoinlandsprodukt […]

Anhaltende Trockenheit Niederlande rufen Wasser-Notfallplan aus

Stand: 03.08.2022 17:39 Uhr In den Niederlanden wächst die Sorge, dass angesichts der anhaltenden Trockenheit das Wasser immer knapper wird. Schon jetzt muss vor allem die Landwirtschaft sparen. Die Regierung setzte darum nun einen Notfallplan in Kraft. Aufgrund der anhaltenden Trockenheit und ihrer Auswirkungen greift die niederländische Regierung zu Vorsichtsmaßnahmen. Sie setzte einen Notfallplan in […]

Niedriger Wasserstand: Dritte Leiche im Lake Mead gefunden

Aktualisiert am 27.07.2022, 11:05 Uhr Am US-amerikanischen Stausee Lake Mead nahe Las Vegas sind innerhalb von drei Monaten mehrere Leichen aufgetaucht. Wegen der niedrigen Wasserstände aufgrund der extremen Dürre im Westen der USA wurden drei Leichen geborgen. (Bildquelle: IMAGO/Xinhua/IMAGO/Zeng Hui) Am US-Stausee Lake Mead nahe der Glücksspiel-Metropole Las Vegas ist inmitten sinkender Wasserstände die dritte […]

Will Lake Mead reach Dead Pool?

Lake Mead and Lake Powell are now so low that there is risk of falling into what is called “dead pool” – meaning reservoir levels are too low to pass water through the dam.30.06.2022 Millions at risk of power and water shortages as two of the nation’s largest reservoirs on the brink of “dead pool status,” […]